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Finally, it was my favorite part of the year; Christmas.

I slid across the stone floor, adorning tall socks, red plaid pajama pants that I stole from one of the twins once they grew out if them, and a tattered tee shirt. I bounced my way down to the common room, which was decorated to the brim, just to my liking.

Since all the Weasley's decided to stay at the school, I had to do something to liven the place up. My spirits were high today, and I tried to squeeze more gifts under the tree. I clapped my hands together, pleased with the sight in front of me. Flicking my wand, it began lightly snowing inside the room, but disappeared before it touched or ruined anything. I did not want McGonagall out for my head.

"Bloody hell. I think it threw up red and green in here, Freddy boy." George appeared, gazing around the room. His twin popped behind him, yawning. "Blimey, I do believe you're right, Georgie." I smiled widely at them, holding my arms out. "Happy Christmas!" I cheered, before wrapping my arms around both of their necks. "Happy Christmas, Liz." they replied, squeezing me back.

"What in Merlin's name.." Sarah muttered, looking around at all the decorations. "Oh, Liz... You've really outdone yourself this year.." Hermione said, smiling widely. "It reminds me of back home." I hugged both of the girls. "I just love this time of year. It does my heart some good to decorate."

Slowly, the room started filling with the rest of the Weasley's, and soon Harry, who shot me an awkward glance across the room. He stayed close to Ron, but there was no killing my mood. I made everyone some hot chocolate, and everyone stretched out on the couches, chairs, and the floor. I started passing out the gifts under the tree, slowly making small piles in front of everyone.

"Okay, let's start with the youngest!" I claimed, looking at Ginny. "Or, we could always start with the oldest." Percy said, rattling the box in front of him. Ginny threw a nutcracker towards his head, barely skimming his hair. "Alright, Gin, let's see what you got!" He replied, quickly giving her his full attention. She started ripping of the paper quickly, unwrapping almost all of them in minutes.

The twins gave her a few new modified pranking items they had been working on, Ron gave her a few sweets, which she gladly opened and shared, Hermione gave her a few muggle books, mostly fairytales, and few mysteries. Molly send her a knitted red and gold scarf, and I gave her a pair of converse she has been eye balling for years, but we had never been able to get them for her. She smiled widely, thanking everyone for the gifts, and slipped on her new shoes.

"Harry, your next." Hermione claimed, watching him in excitement. He seemed surprised by how many gifts laid out in front of him. He grabbed the closest one to him, which happened to be mine. Ripping the wrapping off slowly, the leather book fell into his lap. I pulled some strings, but I was able to get a box out of storage from my old home, which was full of pictures of him as a baby.

There was a handful of him with his parents, and even one of me, holding him as a new born. He flicked through the pages, admiring each one carefully. He looked around the room, until he landed on me. "Thank you, Liz. This.. This is the best thing I could of gotten.." I smiled, hugging his side. "I'm glad you like them Harry. I have more, and I will make sure you get them if you'd like." He nodded quickly, shooting me a wide smile.

He set the book aside, opening his other gifts. Ron gave him new Quidditch gloves; Hermione gave him a glasses cleaning kit, which he desperately needed to use. And of course, mom sent him a sweater, with a big H on the front. He smiled and nodded at everyone, thanking them for the gifts. "Ronald!" The twins cheered, seeming a little too enthusiastic.

He blushed, under pressure, and grabbed the biggest one. The twins elbowed each other. Ron ripped the lid off the box, and black smoke blew out of the box, covering Ron in soot. But I looked at the dazzling words above him, written in red and green sparklers. "Happy Christmas.... That's brilliant, boys!" Sarah cheered, smiling widely.

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