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I finally relaxed sitting back in my chair as the game finished. The crowd still raved on, some pleased, others, not so much. It was a tight game, but the Irish won, even though Viktor Krum caught the snitch, ending the game, which I was glad for. My feet were so sore from standing, and I couldn't help but have an uncanny feeling of uneasiness.

"What a game!" Fred said, exasperated, flopping down beside me. I nodded, leaning my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. "You okay?" He whispered, kissing my forehead, probably to check my temperature, but jokes on him, I'm having a hot flash. I nodded, smearing some of the green shamrock that Ginny painted on my cheek on his sweater. "Alright children, we have a far walk ahead of us, we better face the crowd!" Dad spoke, looking red in the face, probably from the yelling he did during the match.

Fred pulled me onto my feet, as much as I didn't want to be on them. As we headed towards the staircase, we almost ran into the Malfoy family. Literally. I came to a hault, causing Ginny to slam into my back, but luckily, we avoided damaging the spoiled family. "Truly, Arthur, you should learn how to manage your heard." Lucius spat looking at us in displeasure. I rolled my eyes, not mentally prepared to hex anyone tonight, but staring into this grey eyes, my uneasy feeling swelled.

It was almost deja vu. Then, it hit me. The gold masks. The fire. The screaming. The dream that I almost repressed into the back of my mind, replied in my head, sending shock waves through my body. Before I could react, Lucius' attention focused on me. "It's a shame, someone with your magical abilities ended up into a family like these, blood traitors." This time, I purposely rammed into his arm, pushing past him, forcing myself into the crowd.

"Liz!" I heard Fred call from behind, but my fear caught the best of me. I bolted. I pushed myself through the crowd until I finally squeezed myself into a someone condensed area, chills all over my body. Something bad was going to happen. I couldn't shake the feeling, my anxiety peaking. Then I realized, I had no clue where I was. Standing near a tent, I've never seen before. People I had never seen before.

I turned in circles, not sure the direction to take, when someone grabbed me, causing me to yelp. "Liz? Have you lost something?" Neville Longbottom asked me, his childlike features sticking out against the moonlight. Then almost on cue, I heard the screaming. My dream was coming true. And look where I've gotten myself. "Go." I forced, as I pulled the boy into the woods. It's almost as my feet lead me, criss-crossing through trees, no matter how much my body hurt.

I ran right into my dream. Fire, running, and death eaters headed straight at me. I felt my pocket for my wand, but didn't feel right. I felt another rush over my body, green heat lightning my hands. Almost instinct, I spread the orb and pushed forward, knocking everything, and the crowd of death eaters out of my way. I'm not sure if people were more afraid of the death eaters, or from me now. I saw a slick blonde strand of hair burn in front of me, only making me more angry.

I took off into the dark woods again, this time taking a different direction. Until I just stopped. It was an erie kind of quiet. I stared into the sky, looking into the eyes of a skull, snake climbing over its mouth. A thin man watched me from a corner of the woods, and licked his lips. But I couldn't move. I felt paralyzed as he pressed closer to me. "Ah, I've heard a lot about you. A lotttt." He hissed, walking around my body, almost investigating me.

"What do you want?" I spat, becoming uncomfortable, regaining my sanity, waiting for the perfect time to bail. He clicked his tongue against his teeth, smiling at me. "He wants to use you. You and those two babies of yours." He stared down at my stomach, as I covered it with my arms. "What powers?" I shot, a cold sweat drowning me. The man laughed. "Don't be stupid. Your mother was one, they always pass their abilities down to their children. They were almost extinct since the last war, but thanks to you, I am in the presence of three."

He inched closer to my face, breathing against my cheek. "I'll be seeing more of you're family, very, very soon." I heard a twig snap from a distance, and I don't know what came over me. I twisted my body and focused on the burrow. The man tried grabbing my arm, but I continued to be pulled into a vortex. My body snapped as I landed on the floor. I looked up at the grandfather clock in front me, seeing my reflection. Blood was pouring from where he grabbed me. I looked at the twisting marks on my forearm and screamed, finally feeling the splitting pain.

The door flew open, seeing mother already pale, covering my arm in her apron. "I splinched myself!" I screamed, trying to move away from her. "No, don't move! ARTHUR SHE'S IN HERE!" She screamed, tying the cloth around my arm. I just kept screaming. I'm surprised the door didn't rip off the hinges as the rest of the family almost flew into the living room. "Where in the hell have you been?" He yelled, holding pressure onto my arm as mom went into the kitchen, probably to fetch her medications.

Fred pulled me into his lap as I started fighting against them. "No! Let me go!" I screamed, only causing me to deepen my pain. I winced as a purple liquid was splashed onto my body. "Nice aim, Molly." Dad sighed, wiping some from his face, moving the apron I was bound to. The once clean apron was dripping with blood. I stared at my forearm as the deep split slowly began to close. I breathed heavy, yanking my body away from them, pulling the green orb into my hands.

"What is this?" I screamed, as everyone stared at me, some in shock, others in fear. "Liz, let's calm down." Dad said throwing his hands up, watching the orbs movements. "Not until you tell me why the hell I can do this." I expanded the orb into about the size of a basketball, making me exhausted, but I still stared at the crowd in front of me. "You're a emerald. I noticed it when we were in the Shrieking Shack, I heard about them once, but I assumed it was some sort of fairy-tale, considering they claimed to be extinct.

"Your mother was one, and-" "It's passed from mother to children." I finished, closing my fist, putting out the orb with a hiss. I shook my head, holding my stomach, hoping for a miracle. "It would of been nice to be informed about this, before I started using it." "That was you? At the camp ground?" Arthur asked, staring at me. "I just did it. Like I was suppose too." I claimed, looking at my burnt palms. There was blood and dirt all over my body. I looked at my family, who looked freshly clean, but stressed. "How did you get out so fast?" I ask, holding into the chair in front of me.

"What do you mean? The match was hours ago! We came back here because we thought when you ran off, you got a head start! We regathered at the tent, came here, and got ready to come find you." Ron boomed, looking pissed. "Where have you been, Liz?" Fred asked, touching my cheek lightly. I flinched away from his touch. I shook my head, confused. I felt like everything happened in a matter of minutes. The fight, the conversation was over in nearly a matter of seconds.

"I-I was in the woods." I claimed, avoiding eyes. "With who?" Fred pressed. "I don't know.. I've never seen him before.. He told me.. That he wanted to use me and..." I shook my head, but Fred grabbed my shoulders "You and who for what?" I laughed, running a hand through my hair. "I'm pregnant, Fred. Twins, no less. And to make it even better, I gave them this disease my mother gave me. That man, said he was going to use me and the babies." Fred took a step back.

"Is this some kind of prank or something? Cause this is a bloody good one. I'm really surprised you came up with this one, Georgie!" He looked at his twin for reassurance, but was returned with a shocked look, and shook his head. "She's not lying, son. We found out at Mungos. She's been sick because of the baby, or babies, as she is now claiming." Fred scoffed, rubbing his face. "How long? How long have you known?" "I've had my suspicions, but they confirmed it three days ago.. I'm about ten weeks.. so I'm almost two months."

Fred pushed past everyone, headed towards the door. "Where are you going?" Dad asked, crossing his arms. "Out." He replied, the door slamming behind him. I flinched, feeling worse about myself. All my nightmares coming true. "I got him." George said in a hurry, following his brother out the door. But it was too late, I already was climbing the stairs, ready to gather my things. I planned on going. Away. Ditching school, ditching this life I was left to work with.

Maybe a shack in the middle of the country, where I could raise the twins, and pretend were not a bunch of unwanted freaks.

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