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"Are you serious?! That's great!" Sarah cheered as I dug through my clothes. I pulled out a pair of ripped jeans, looking for a decent, or clean shirt. Sarah threw one at my head. It was a black long sleeved, with a string, criss crossed across the chest. "Wow, thanks." I strutted into the bathroom, slipping them both on. I twirled in front of Sarah, who gave the thumbs up.

I took off my smeared make up, and reapplied, but still looked natural. I used a light brown eye shadow, and blended it with some gold onto my eyelid. I started getting jitters. I smiled, trying to shake them off. I dried my hair, and concentrated, making it sleek and straight. The rain decided to make it a frizzy hot mess, but lucky for me, I can magically fix that. I checked the clock above my bed. 5:50.

I shot Sarah a nervous look, who smiled at me over her homework. "Wear those. Yes, they have a little heel, but you still will look like a dwarf beside of him." She pointed to the brown booties that were sprawled across the floor. I carefully slipped them on, looking into the mirror once again. "You better get going!!" Sarah sang, springing from her bed. She grabbed my perfume, and practically dumped the whole bottle onto me.

"And now I smell like a French whore." I groaned, causing Sarah to laugh. "But, you will turn heads! Now, get out!" She pushed me out of the door, and slammed it behind me. I shook my head and tucked my wand into pants. I slowly made my way down the stairs, and saw George smirking from the couch. "You have fun! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" He teased. I scoffed. "That isn't much, now isn't it?" He pretended to be offended. "Feisty!" I pressed forward, walking out of the portrait hole.

I smelt Fred's after-shave, and he popped from around the corner. "Right on time." He smiled, looking at his wrist, where no watch sat. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "What, did you expect me to be late?" He smiled at me, slipping his arm across my shoulders. "No, I expected you to be early. Now, we better get going. We have some sneaking around to do." He pulled out the wand, flicking his wand into the parchment.

My eyes scanned across the map at all the people walking around the castle. I found mine and Fred's name, side by side, but another name stuck out. Peter Pettigrew's name bled through the page, sending fire through my veins. I looked around for the rat, as Fred gave me a weird look. "Have you lost something, love?" That snapped me out of my thoughts. "I thought, I lost my earring. But I got!" I said casually. He smiled at me, believing my ruse, and pressed on.

No matter how bad I wanted to take the map and follow Peter, I didn't want to ruin this.

"Where are we headed?" I asked. We were almost to the DADA classroom. As we made our way down the stairs, Fred stared at the map, then around the corner of the hall. He walked over to the ugly, one-eyed witch statue. "You'll see." He muttered, pointing his wand at the statue. "Dissendium." He whispered. The stone began to shake, as the hump on the witch's back moved to the side, opening a small passage way.

Fred nodded to the hole. "Ladies first." "Excuse me?" I yelped, and Fred covered my mouth. "Trust me." He whispered. I looked into his eyes and he nodded. I climbed on the statue, and slid into the dark. "Lumos!" I flicked out my wand, and my feet hit stone ground. A few moments later, Fred joined me, wiping dust off his jumper. "Well done!" He said smiling at me, as the opening at the top of the slide closed. "Where on earth are we?" I asked, looking around at the tunnel we occupied.

"Well, were in a passageway, on our way to Hogsmeade." He said calmly, tapping the map again, causing the writing to disappear. Light illuminated from his wand as he grinned at me. "You look radiant in this lighting." I blushed and turned away from him. He took my hand in his. "This way." He lead me down the tunnel.


It was a light walk, but Fred kept me entertained. I laughed as he talked about George's pep talk. "Once I told him you agreed, he literally almost threw me in the shower. I honestly think he was more excited than I am." "That's how Sarah was. She dressed me like I was her own personal doll." I shook my head, looking at the twin beside of me. "But really, I am glad you said yes." I blushed again. "Why wouldn't I?" He shrugged. "You have reasons." I shook my head, lacing our fingers together. I saw the corners of his mouth curl. He stopped as we reached the end off the passageway.

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