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I shot up out of a deep sleep. I gasped, holding my chest, trying to catch my breath from the nightmare still playing across my mind. I looked at the beds around me, seeing Sarah, Hermione and Ginny still beside me on the floor. We stayed up late gossiping once Sarah got here after George owled her, begging her to come too. I looked at the clock perched on the night stand. 3am. I carefully stepped over the girls shrew across the floor, heading into the hall. Green flashed from a memory. I clutched my head in pain, leaning against the wall for support. Fred's face grimaced in my head, avoiding spell after spell, until one finally hit. I pulled at my hair, trying anything to relieve the pressure in my head. I crawled into the bathroom, quickly closing the door behind me.

Images of Fred's body burned onto my skull. I clutched the sink, staring into the mirror. I looked like a skeleton. Sunken black eyes, my skin almost glowing against the overhead light. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I splashed water on my face. My whole body was shaking. I felt sick, but there was nothing left in my body to throw up. "Mom..." I called out, my voice horse. I rubbed my eyes harshly, trying to keep my composer. I yelped, another searing pain striking my head.

A crowd of witches and wizards running in a panic. Black hoods wearing masks closing in on a few red headed children. I screamed out, mostly in fear, but trying to warn the twins. Then I saw the trio, held into the forest looking into the sky, at a skull and a snake forming from a cloud of green fog.

I almost felt my body thud back into place as I came too on the cold bathroom floor. Pounding at the door. I opened the door, to Harry standing there, wand pointed at me. He shared the same pale expression. "Why were you screaming?" He asked, breathless. "Nothing, Harry. Bad dream." I lied, trying not to worry him. "You saw it too, didn't you?" He whispered, dropping to his knees in front of me. I'm sure my eyes were as wide as saucers. "W-what did you see?" I asked, cupping his cold face. "The people, and the death eaters, and then the-" "Dark mark." I interrupted.

Harry seemed relieved, but worried at the same instance. "I keep having nightmares like this. Last time, I was a snake, and I saw Pettigrew.. and HIM... Liz, I know it was him." I shook my head, not wanting to believe him, but I knew I couldn't hide my worries forever. "This was the first one I've had like this." I breathed, pushing my hair out of my face. My whole body ached and I had a ringing in my ears. "Liz, what if he really does come back? What are we going to do?" I could see fear dancing across his green gaze, and I smirked at him. "Then get ready to fight for your life then, Harry."

He looked down, trying to swallow the acceptance, but he nodded, and stood back up, glancing at his scar in the mirror. It seemed more red than usual, but before I could dwell on it, he brushed his hair back over the mark, shielding it from me, or more of himself. He held a hand out to me, and tired pulling me to my feet, but my body being so weak, my legs buckled under me. I whimpered in pain, and landed back into my place between the tub and toilet.

"I'm going to get Mrs. Weasley." He stated, his lips pressed. "No, Harry, I'm-" "You're not okay, Elizabeth. You haven't been since we moved into your old place. You're sick, no matter how much you want to lie to me, and to yourself." I huffed, leaning my head on the wall. "Just be quiet okay, I don't want anyone else finding out okay?" He nodded, and shuffled off down the hall. I tried pulling myself up, with shaky arms, and sat on the closed toilet lid. I put my head in my hands. No matter how much I wanted to ignore these issues, they really aren't going away, nor getting better. Now, nightmares are starting.

"Elizabeth, honey. Oh no." Mom said, shuffling in, wearing her nightgown and robe. "I'm really okay." I mumbled as she started feeling my forehead. "Don't lie to me, I know when someone is ill, and trust me, you are." She lifted my chin to look at my shrunken eyes. She shook her head. "Harry, please help her into the living room. I'll start the stove." I huffed as Harry gently raised me to my feet, practically dragging me down the stairs. I curled up on the warm couch, Harry and Mom shoving pillows and blankets around me.

"Drink this." Mom ordered, bringing a glass of green goo from the kitchen. I made a face, but the face she shot back at me, made me change my mind. I choked it down, trying not to gag. "Don't you dare think about throwing that up. Here, now drink this." she threatened, handing me a second glass on something pink. About half way through, I couldn't handle it. I covered my mouth and shook my head, and looked for a bin.

Mom sighed, holding my hair back. "Harry, please go upstairs and get me a wet rag." He seemed excited to leave the room, and left in a hurry. "Elizabeth, I hate to ask you this, but please be honest with me." I nodded, leaning back into the cushions. "Is there any chance that you are pregnant?" She whispered. "What? No, MOM!" I said shaking my head. She clicked her tongue. "This is exactly the way I was when I was pregnant with Charlie. I was sick, confused all the time, and I couldn't eat anything without feeling horrid after. Considering your small frame, I think because of you having "morning sickness" all day, you're dehydrated."

No. There was no way. I thought back to my nights with Fred, but I wasn't positive. "Mom.. I don't know." I finally choked out, hot tears swelling in my eyes. "No no no, don't get upset. We don't know for sure... It would be, Fredrick's, right?" She pressed, hoping she was right. "Wow. Of course it would be his, Mom!" She sighed, holding her chest in relief. "Well, we will go shopping tomorrow, so we can know for sure, but... I'm not going to be exactly HAPPY if you are, but I won't be so exactly, disappointed." "Mom, I'm only 16.. Fred is only 16.. He barely know what a baby is! I can't be. There is no way!" I held onto her hands in fear.

But something inside me told me she was right. Me and Fred and young, dumb and careless. The sad thing is, we're not even "official". That only made me more upset. "What if he doesn't want it?" I choked, already stressing about the "what-ifs". She held my cheek, wiping some tears away. "We will know for sure tomorrow, and then we will go from there. Please, get some rest, Liz. You look awful."

Harry magically appeared, holding the wash cloth, which Molly laid gingerly on my forehead. She shooed him back to bed, and threw some more logs into the fire place. "There is no need to worry anymore, darling. Your secret is safe with me." She whispered, kissing my head, before climbing back up the stairs.

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