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After quite the show that the twins preformed and they were released from the hospital wing, it was time for the Halloween feast and the announcement of the champions. I straightened my uniform out after I finished eating, and sighed at the boy sitting beside me who barely touched his food.

I ruffled Harry's dark hair, bringing him out of his thoughts. By his expression, I could already tell what he was thinking about. Just on this day, 14 years ago, made him the "boy who lived". He gave me a sheepish smile, asking me about the twins, obviously trying to divert his memories. I smiled, but before I could reply, Dumbledore began his speech, with both Headmaster's looking across the crowd with obvious distaste. 

I played with my hair, dangling over my leg, shortening and lengthening it until the Goblet changed colors, grabbing my full attention. Dumbledore held out his hand, as the Goblet spit out the first champions name, which the Headmaster read aloud to be Fleur Delacour. Shocker. Her schoolmates cheered, and majority of male students gazed fondly at her, making me roll my eyes. I leaned forward and closed Ron's mouth for him. 

"Don't want to dry it out, now do ya?" I teased, causing him to blush. Fleur stood proudly beside her Headmistress, who shared an impressed look before giving Dumbledore their attention again when he silenced the hall again when another piece of parchment flew into his hand. Viktor Krum's name echoed against the hall, followed by the cheers of his classmates, allowing the girls their turn to swoon. I closed Ron's mouth again for him, earning him trying to swat me away.

After Viktor joined the line up front, Dumbledore held his hand out for the final piece of parchment. His eyes sparkled a little as he read off Cedric Diggory's name, causing our school to erupt in cheers. I smiled at the boy who stood proudly, but still remained to have a blush adorning his cheeks. Dumbledore clapped his hands together, now addressing the hall to congratulate the champions, ushering the group towards the door held open by Mad-Eye. 

The hall became silent again as the Goblet lit again, stopping Dumbledore in his place. Another piece of parchment flew into the air, quickly snatched by the headmaster. "That makes no sense.. There are already three champions." Hermione mumbled, as the man quietly spoke "Harry Potter". I strained to hear the man again, who now screamed louder than he had been, "Harry Potter!" I grabbed Harry's hand who looked at me, shocked and terrified. 

I shook my head, and Hermione elbowed him once Dumbledore caught sight of him, screaming his name again. Harry quickly progressed to the front, as the hall became outraged. "He's underage!" someone shouted. "He cheated!" another screamed. Dumbledore silenced the hall again, causing me to jump. I went to follow behind Harry, but Fred quickly pulled me back into my seat, when Dumbledore asked, rather loudly, "Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?!" The boy shook his head with a quick and adamant "No sir." and was quickly escorted behind the door, which was slammed by Mad-Eye.

"What the fuck!?" I was the first the shout, setting the hall off into another shouting match. McGonagall quickly rose, ushering us out of the hall, back to our respected Common rooms, quietly. I made a move to the front of the hall, to my head of house, who sternly shot me a look. "Professor, there is a mistake. Harry is too young, he couldn't of made it past the age-line, you saw what happened to the twins-" She raised her hand to silence my rambling. I swallowed hard as the woman set a steady hand on my shoulder. 

"As the moment the parchment arose from the Goblet, the name printed must complete in the tournament. That is the rules, Miss Black." I went to protest again, but the woman simply stated "There is nothing that can be done. The only thing that we can do is support Harry." I huffed, turning my eyes away from her. "Mr. Weasley, if you would help Miss Black back to the common room. He will return soon, and after the outburst from majority of the students, Mr. Potter is going to need some protection. Be waiting for him." 

She quickly turned, heading into the room with the champions. I turned on my heel, pushing past the twins and Sarah who were waiting for me. The trio marched after me, talking amongst themselves, asking "How did he do it? I wonder how he got past the age line and we didn't." I spun around, sending a stinging hex to George, who hissed and rubbed his leg. "You heard him yourself, he didn't enter. This is Harry were talking about, the kid who hates attention, just as much as I do. Obviously, he was framed, so if I hear one more accusation you'll have more than a stinging hex to worry about."He nodded quickly, avoiding my eyes, as we continued to the common room.

It seemed I had a few hexes to hand out once we arrived into the crowded room, which all eyes quickly glued to me as we entered. "So, were you in on it? You are his Godsister after all?" Seamus fired, earning a quick flick of my wand. "Oh, get over yourself, Finnigan. You yourself should know better." "Can you blame us? Harry always has to be the center of attention." Ron spat, earning a Bat- Bogey hex. "I'm not dealing with your bullshit, Ronald. And your mother will definitely be hearing about your attitude towards your BEST FRIEND." Ron was going to reply, but glared over my shoulder.

During my interrogation, a frazzled Harry arrived almost unnoticed. The room silenced finally, as Harry looked around the room at his friends, who just glared back at him. "Tell us how you did it, Potter." Seamus shot again, not taking his eyes off Harry. I raised my wand again, but Harry set a hand on top of mine, lowering it for me. "You should know better than anyone, I didn't enter." "I don't believe you, even for a second." "Can't say I'm surprised." Harry spat, forcing his way through the crowd, heading to his dorm. 

Once his door closed, I looked around the lion's den again. "Get a move on; you've had your show." Fred shouted, allowing the students to finally shuffle through, back to their own personal business for now. I grumpily sat on the free couch, crossing my arms. "Love, we didn't mean-" "Don't 'love' me, right now, Fredrick, I'm pissed, so let me be pissed." He raised his hands in surrender, and sat on the ground in front of me. 

I could tell some other students wanted to approach me in another interrogation, but my facial expression was enough to send them on their way. I let myself become swallowed in my thoughts, thinking back to my dream. I never expected Harry to be thrown in the tournament, so I never paid much heed to the details. A graveyard, messy black hair, and a bright green light. I thought about confining to Trewlaney about my dreams, but decided not to have the bat in my business, when Professor Snape appeared in front of me. 

"Miss Black, I'm here to collect you for another session." I glared at the dark man, crossing my arms. "Not a good time." "I don't believe you have a choice, so come with me." Fred looked up at me warily, as I rose to my feet, following the Slytherin out the door, progressing to his office in the dungeons. I could already feel the professor trying to advance into my thoughts, trying to catch me of guard, which I was already prepared for, considering the man was extremely nosey. I completely guarded him off, which he quickly turned, facing me. 

"It is quite interesting you have advanced so quickly, considering we haven't trained recently." The man spoke calmly, peering down at me. "I've been practicing." I lied, settling in my usual space in his office, already wanting free from his presence. "Do tell, how long have you been having dreams of the future." He sneered without acknowledging me. I raised an eyebrow at him, throwing him from my thoughts again. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Professor." I hissed, earning somewhat of a smirk from the man. He seemed almost amused, but only for a fraction of a second, before maintaining his cold composure. "Professor Dumbledore informed me of this said 'ability', considering your Emerald status, it's no surprise really. And you must not forget, I have been inside your thoughts, Black." I glared back at him. "Which was my mistake, Professor, it won't happen again." "It's a shame really, you would of fit in well in Slytherin, as well you've perfected lying. Do work on the eye twitch, Black." 

I rose, considering the man finalized anything he wanted to say to me, allowing myself out of his office. Once I exited his classroom, I released the breath from my lungs and the tension out of my shoulders. Truly, I had been practicing my Occlumency, considering every time I close my eyes, I constantly feel an unwanted presence. I had assumed this to be Snape himself, but the intruder in my mind is stronger than the teacher, considering it seemed incredibly easy to block out the man. The person who invades my dreams, allows me to see things that he wants me too, making me feel uneasy. 

What use did he have for me to see these things? I was beginning to feel more involved than Harry did..

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now