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You're gorgeous, you know." Fred whispered to me, setting his head on the desk we both shared. I raised my eyebrow, stirring my own potion. "You need help don't you?" I hissed back, without looking at him. I could feel that grin smeared across his face. I shook my head and started whispering the instructions to him, trying to be mindful of Snape's presence. He stirred his potion too fast, and I smacked his leg, earning a snort from George, who was trying to copy his brother's actions.

"Is there a problem, Miss Black?" Snape hissed, gliding over to the table. "No, sir. There was a spider crawling up his leg, so I killed it." I pointed to the stain on Fred's black pants from lunch. The professor glared down at me and Fred's assignment. "You'll pass." He spat, before walking away. Fred winked at me. I rolled my eyes, but smiled, and flicked off our burners.

Snape strode around the room, and picked up George's potion, giving it a light look, and dumped it in the trash. "There was no fixing that. You failed." It was Fred's turn to snicker as George's ears turned red. "Be careful, Mr. Weasley. If I moved Miss Black away from you, you would surely fail." I nodded. He wasn't lying.. Fred shrugged, and leaned his seat back anyway.

"Class dismissed." Snape said, slamming down a book on his desk. I smiled and started gathering my things. "Hey Liz, George and I promised to meet up with Lee on our free period." "So, we will probably meet you too at dinner?" George finished, looking flustered. I nodded, and slung my bag across my shoulder. "I suppose you have a few new products to test?" Both the boy's eyes lit up. "Good. Besides, me and Liz need some girl time." Sarah said, grabbing my arm.

Fred grabbed my free hand, kissing it lightly, before we parted our separate ways. I blushed, looking at Sarah's shocked expression. "Well, what was all that all about?" She teased, as we strolled our way to the common room. "Just Fred, being Fred." "Like HELL. I've never seen Fred do that before!" I shrugged, trying to shake the tingles that still burned against my skin. I thought back to our date, how casual and freeing it was.

"Earth to Elizabeth!" Sarah waved a hand in front of my face, smirking at me. "Sorry." I muttered, staring at the portrait in front of me. "Butterbean." I chirped as the Fat Lady opened the door for us. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to go put on my sweatpants and take off this makeup." "Oh hell yeah. Sounds like a party to me." I cheered, racing up to our room.


I sighed peacefully as I leaned back onto my bed. "Shaving my legs before I put these on, is the best gift I could of ever given myself." Sarah sat on her bed, stroking her body, laying beside me. I laughed at her. We both sported our most comfortable outfits, and green face masks. "So, I'm literally dying to know. How was your date the other night!"

I thought it over for a minute. "I've never felt more like myself." The blonde leaned up and looked at me warily, so I continued. "It was like, we were the only two people left on earth. Everything but us, was just outside noise. He preplanned everything. Down to the very detail. I have never had someone do that for me.. Even when I went on a date with Oliver Wood my first year; who just talked about him bloody self the whole time I might add. Fred is just, different."

"We have known each other practically our whole lives. I know that boy better than I know myself. But that night, he made the blood pump through my veins. He made me feel things, that I never knew existed..." I added. "Please tell me you snogged the boy's face off." "Oh trust me, I did." Sarah threw her hands in the air. "George owes me 5 Galleons!"

I shot up, my jaw dropped. "You two placed bets!" She smiled widely. "Of course! He didn't think his brother would gain the courage to kiss you, again, I might add. But I knew better. With the amount of chemistry there is brewing between you two, I knew there was no holding back." I smacked her arm. "Hey! There is no point in denying it! Everytime he is around, I can tell you want to rip his clothes off."

I scoffed. "As if. More like he wants to rip mine off." "Well, that's practically the same thing." The girl teased. "So what about you and Georgie? He's been giving you the googly eyes since the beginning of term!" I shot back. Her hand instantly shot towards the gold amulet around her neck. "And I could guarantee there is a scarlet blush under that green!" I poked her cheek, causing some of the dry matter to crumble off her face. "I dunno! We've been plotting on how to get you two together, we haven't talked much about anything else."

I rolled my eyes. "Both of you, so noble and putting other's before yourself. I swear, before the snow melts, I will at least get you two to snog." Sarah looked away and scratched the back of her neck. I gasped. "Sarah Beara." "Okay! Listen, it was after that party Lee threw last week-" "Last week?! And you just NOW decide to tell me!" "I have no regrets! Whatsoever! And I shall do it again!" She said, shaking her head furiously. Green dust seemed to float off her face.

"Go wash that mud off, and go find him then! Snog him in front of everyone!" She stood up boastfully, stomping off to the bathroom. "Are you coming to watch the show? Or are you going to sit there, looking like the frog you are." She emerged from the room, her face still dripping wet. "I prefer a toad, but yes. I will fetch some popcorn on my way also."


Sarah drug me down the stairs, looking around the common room. A few heads turned, but no redheads were present. "I bet they are in the hall!" She yelped, dragging me farther. "We will see if you actually go through with it, or if you chicken out at the last second, like usual!" I teased, only making her walk faster. We heard a loud pop, and laughter erupt from around the corner. "Nicely done, boys!" Lee cheered.

The trio stood, admiring the small flame in front of them. Soot and dust covered them, only making them appear more childish. Sarah stood in front of George. "So, I will explain later." She started, before grabbing his neck, crashing her lips onto his. Lee's mouth dropped to the floor as I raised my arms up in victory. "I'm really surprised she went through with it." I laughed as Fred turned to me, stunned. The couple pulled apart; George's hair was askew, and Sarah blushed, but looked proud.

"Now that, that is taken care of, we will be in our dorm room if you need us." Sarah stated, linking arms with me. Lee clapped George's back. "Lucky brats, I tell you." George smirked, and winked at the both of us. My roommate drug me back down the hall. She shoved herself through the portrait hole and squealed. "I can not believe myself. DID I REALLY JUST DO THAT?!" Sarah cupped her own face, causing me to laugh at my friend. "Yes, and very well I might add. Poor bloke never saw it coming. You may have scarred the boy for life!"

"Well, it was bloody worth it. I feel reckless!" Her face was still beet red. "Easy now, we are earning a crowd." "Who cares! I JUST SNOGGED GEORGE WEASLEY AND IT WAS FANTASTIC." She cheered, looking at the wide eyes, peaking over at us. I took that opportunity to drag her back up the stairs. "Wow.. What a rush." She flopped down on her bed, smiling widely. I shook my head at the mess in front of me.

"What am I going to do with you?"

Black {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now