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Winter was upon us.

I sat in the window of the common room watching the snow fall. The white flurries covered the whole castle, making it seem almost innocent. I shivered and took another sip of coffee. It was just after day light. Lately, I've been waking around this time, allowing me some freedom. There would be no one staring, or whispering to their friends about me, obvious that I could hear them.

"Good morning, Tails." a voice mumbled from the distance. I saw Fred, rubbing his eyes, making his way to me. "Mornin'" I replied, returning my attention back to the window. A robin was building a nest inside a opening in the roof. I watched as it statically placed twigs and mud around the little enclosure. "How are you feeling?" The boy asked, trying to regain my attention. "Come sit with me. You look frigid over there in the window." He threw more wood onto the small fire, and falling into the leather cushions.

I gladly accepted, crossing my legs and stared at him. His long hair tangled into his sleepy golden eyes. His jaw was now more rigid, as he got taller, and lost majority of his baby weight. I noticed he had started shaving his past year, with only a few small cuts on his face, and a few orange hairs poked through his face. "What are you looking at?" He finally asked, locking eyes with mine.

"You're features." I muttered, my hand playing with a strand of his red locks. "Well that helps my self confidence." He teased, sending me that famous Weasley grin. "I'm just realizing how much you've grown up. You're almost a foot taller than me now, and you shave." I trailed my finger down his jaw, rubbing it against his stubble. "We're the same age, Elizabeth. You've gotten older too." I scrunched my nose.

"Don't remind me." I groaned, pulling my hand away from his warm body. For some reason, I just wanted to bring him closer to me. Like, sitting here, with our knees touching, wasn't enough. I felt lonely without his touch, even if I was only inches away.

"Are you excited for another Hogsmeade trip today?" Fred asked, dragging me out of my thoughts. "Oh, I almost forgot. Isn't it the last one before Christmas?" He nodded. "I'll have to finish buying everyone's gifts then." I smiled. I loved Christmas. The cold air, the decorations, and the fact that it brings everyone together. "You always give the best gifts, and I don't understand how. I barely can even figure out what to give to George! But you just seem to have that aura. The gift giver."

I shrugged. "I just see things that I know a person would like, I never really plan anything." "Well, whatever you do, you're good at it. That goes for everything." I looked at the boy confused. "I am not good at everything." "Maybe you're just good at making everything look good." He raised his eyebrows at me. I scoffed. "Bloody likely. You're the most popular guy I know. Everyone loves you, even Malfoy. You make everyone laugh, and could get away with literal murder if you tried."

He smiled at me. "Is that really what you think of me?" "Oh, there is a lot more, I just refuse to tell you." I teased, rising from our seat. "I'd better start getting ready. I think you should too." I gazed down at his plaid pajama bottoms and trudged back up the starts.


As our group made our way through the busting people and students that wondered around the small town. Many of the older generation, shot me wary looks. "Why is everyone staring at us?" Sarah asked in a hushed town. "Sirius was spotted in Hogsmeade not too long ago." I muttered, kicking at patch of hard snow. I watched how it bounced off something- with nothing there. Then I noticed the footprints forming in the snow, with no body to be found.

I see Ron and Hermione following closely in the rear. I gave the twins a look, who watched the footsteps. "OUT OF THE WAY PLEASE!" someone yelped, snapping my head forward. A carriage, coming at full force towards us. I felt myself being ripped out of the way. "Bloody hell." George breathed, with Sarah tossed over his shoulder. I smiled at Fred, gripped my waist tightly. "Sorry bout that!" Barty Crouch claimed, exiting the rogue carriage.

He swollowed hard, looking straight at me, as if he was thinking of something to say. "No student's underage in here today!" Madam Rosmerta yelled, shooing disappointed wizards away. I huffed. I was looking forward to that butterbeer. Barty hustled inside, but kept his gaze fixed on me. "Well, what now?" George asked, Sarah still shrew over his body.

"Well, for starters, you could put me down." "Right, sorry. Reflexes." "It's your natural reflex to throw a person in danger over your shoulder?" Me and Fred mulled it over, but nodded at Sarah. "Yes, actually." I stated. "I remember when their dad brought home muggle fireworks, and lit them in the kitchen. George literally grabbed Ginny, and took off running." "I don't think I've seen dad laugh that hard since." "Or mum yell that much from the hole in the carpet." George added, smirking at the memory.


I laughed, throwing a bean at Sarah, who mocked me after eating the earwax one. We stopped by Honeyduke's and grabbed a few of our favorite snacks. We were now playing a game, we liked to call BeanBoozled. "At least you got bloody popcorn!" I bellowed, passing the box to George, who tried holding back his laughter. I pushed him off the stump we were sitting on as he erupted into laughter.

"LIZ!" I snapped my head behind me, seeing Harry stomp down to the clearing where we sat. "How could you." He spat, pointing his wand into my neck. I backed away, shooting him daggers. "Harry! Stop this!" Hermione cried, only to be shot a glare from the dark headed boy. The twins drew closer, staring at Harry. I waved them off. "I trusted you! And he-he's your father?! HE BETRAYED MY PARENTS!"

"Who told you?" I asked quietly. "I snuck into the Ministry meeting. Which I found out some vigiual information. Especially why he wants to come after me." "He's not going to come after you." I stated, making everyone stand on edge. "How would you know? Have you been seeing him? Planning to kill me too?" "Oh shut up." Fred snapped. "No, Harry. I just know he won't come after you. This isn't about you-" "Then who is it about then?" Tears forming in the boys eyes, backed his wand farther away, but still pointed at me.

"You wouldn't understand. I barely comprehend it as it is." "Try me." Harry spat. "Alright, that's enough, Harry." Fred pressured again, trying to push him away from me. "You're a traitor, just like him." He spat coldly. The next thing I know, George is holding me back, and there is a red print across Harry's face. The golden trio looked shocked. "He was a good man. Something you could learn from." I hissed, fighting against George's hold. "Just go." Fred ordered. Hermione tugged on Harry's shoulder, leading him and Ron away, back to the castle.

"Liz, what has gotten into you?" Fred asked turning towards me. "How do you know this about your father?" I pulled away from them. "It's complicated." I grumbled, grabbing my bag. "Stop hiding it from us! We're trying to help!" Sarah finally spoke. I couldn't help but laugh. "Help? There's no helping. No one believe's my father is innocent, even to this day, he is deemed the 'bad guy'. Peter Pettigrew is." They stared at me, shocked from my outburst. "Peter Pett-" "I thought he was dead, but he's actually closer than you think.."

I turned, thinking of what my father told me on Halloween. Once I was released from the hospital wing, I ventured to find Scrabbers. I had him cornered in the common room, trying to capture him, but he escaped, and I, nor Ron has seen him since. Feeling not only stupid, but guilty about letting him escape again, I'm sure he was hiding out somewhere.

"Why can't you just stop hiding all these secrets? We feel like we barely even know you anymore." Fred whispered, grabbing my hand. "Because it's not right for an innocent man to be locked away for his whole life.. Especially when he could be with me... So we could be a family again." He seemed hurt with my words. I pulled my hand away from him, leaving his warmth again. "I just need to be alone right now."

And with that, I headed to the castle, trying to remind myself how to normally breathe, since everyone seems to steal my breath away..

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