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It was Buckbeak's execution date.

After class, I convinced the twins and Sarah to go down and sit with Hagrid before it happened. I was about to say something to Hagrid, who was gazing out of the window, when the trio walked in. I nodded towards them, who awkwardly smiled at me. There was still some tension between us, obviously. "We came to stay with you, Hagrid. Before they-" "No, I won't be having it." Hagrid muttered, looking at the company in his living room. Then a stone hit a vase in his window. Hermione picked up the stone, gazing it over.

"Ouch!" Harry yelped, rubbing the back of his head. "Guys.. They are coming." Sarah said, watching as Dumbledore and a few people from the Ministry pressed closer. "Go, out the back door." Hagrid whispered. We all high-tailed it out of there. "We should head back to the castle, it is getting late." George muttered, looking at the sun began to set. Harry, Ron and Hermione ran out of the hut behind the pumpkins. I couldn't help myself, I ran down the hill.

"Liz! What the hell!" George whispered as they trailed behind me. We all crouched behind the pumpkins watching the blade rise into the air. I flinched as it hit the ground, leaving a gruesome noise behind. "Poor bird." Fred muttered.

"Ow! He bit me!" Ron yelped, dropping Scrabbers. "Oh no, not again." Hermione groaned as Ron raced after him, causing Hermione and Harry too also. I see them running towards the Whomping Willow. I took off after them. I reached the Willow, and my biggest fear was confirmed. Ron dove and grabbed the rat, looking satisfied with himself.

"Ron! Run!" Hermione cried, now seeing the black animal at the base of the tree. Before the boy could rise to his feet, the dog snarled and bit down on Ron's leg. He screamed clutching the rat closer to his body. "DAD NO!" I pleaded. The others stared at me in shock as I ran off towards the tree. "Liz! Watch out!" Sarah screamed. I jumped over a branch, changing into my own dog form, and slipped into the hidden tunnel.


Outside, Hermione and Harry continued to fight the erratic tree. The twins and Sarah watched from afar, trying to process what was going on. Hermione rode a branch, as Harry felt around in the grass for his glasses. The girl swung near the boy, and threw him into the opening, falling in behind him. "Immobulus." Sarah flicked her wand at the tree, causing it to freeze. Sarah nodded to the boys, and they followed behind.

Harry and Hermione looked surprised to see them. "We need to find Ron." Hermione whispered, pressing on into the passageway. Screams from Ron followed, as they inched closer to the trap door. Harry pushed the door open, and entered the Shrieking Shack. "Is this... What I think it is?" Fred asked, walking into a cobweb. More screams echoed through the house, causing the group to pull out their wands. "How DARE you!" a voice screamed. Fred headed up the stairs.

Wand forward, the boy faced Liz, full of rage, and his brother, who looked terrified. "Ron! Are you okay?" Hermione asked, as everyone filed into the room. Ron rasied a shaking finger to behind the door. Stepping out from the shadows, a ragged man came into the light. All wands were pointed at him. His hair was greasy and untamed. His gave the group a twisted smile, his gaze stopping on Harry. "My word.. You look exactly like James."


"Get. Back." I spat, digging my wand into the figure in front of me. My father almost seemed shocked, staring at the dark wood against his chest. "Elizabeth." He breathed, catching my eyes. I couldn't help but shake, but I stood my ground, keeping my wand steady. "I said, get back!" I barked again. He shook his head and laughed psychotically. "You know what the plan is." He whispered, smiling at me.

"So you have been sneaking him into the castle?!" Harry appeared beside me, pointing his wand at me. " "No, Harry. This isn't your fight." I hissed, not taking my eyes off the prisoner. Sirius disarmed Harry, leaving him shocked. "That is my daughter, mind you, but Harry, it's good to see you." Sirius' face softened leaving Harry looked disgusted. Next thing I knew, my wand flew out of hand, and landed in Professor Lupin's hand.

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