The Passageway

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Snow's POV

When I woke it was early morning. All the other wolves around me were still sleeping apart from a few pups who were tumbling over each other. I smiled to myself when I looked at them, suddenly missing Gemma and Winter dearly. Although Winter wasn't a werewolf like me and Gemma, she still played with us all the same. I hope I can get out of here soon... then it stuck me, the one thing I had yet to say. They didn't know who I was, maybe if I try saying I have pups I have to get back to...there might be some way that girl, Hunter, can get me out of here! It's worth a shot...

I got up, making sure to step over the sleeping wolves and not disturb them. I padded over to the girl who was communicating with one of the larger female wolves. I guessed she had been woken by her pups but didn't ask since I was a guest and didn't want to be rude. The female wolf saw me approaching and smiled, I returned it and nodded my head slightly.

I turned my attention to Hunter. "What is it?" Hunter said, with a confused expression. I whined, trying to signal to the pups. My eyes were very convincing, which was good. Thankfully she got the message quite quickly, thanks to the other female wolf. " have pups in your pack...I can't keep you from them...come with me, hurry." She got up and rushed away. I nudged the female as a thank you before racing after Hunter.

We walked for what seemed like ages. We reached the very back of the cave where there were no other wolves. "We will have to be quick and hope the alpha doesn't see. I'm the only one who knows about this Passageway." I nodded.

She placed her hand on a stone that jutted out from the wall. With a soft push, the wall slid back, revealing a long winding Passageway. I followed her inside and she slid it closed behind us. Water dripped down from the ceiling, the floor was slippery with moss and water. "Come this way" she said, not stopping to face me. We were pushed for time, and walked quickly up through the Passageway. It split of into smaller caves at various points but we just kept walking straight ahead. When we were a long way from the entrance, she stopped and turned to face me. "You can turn back now." My heart skipped a beat as I searched for something to say. Nothing came to mind so I did as she said.

When I opened my eyes, I was kneeling on the ground, my tail rapped around my belly. My hair was messy and fell over my face like vines in a forest. I lifted my head to look at her. "How did you know...?" She shrugged watching me as I got to my feet. I was slightly taller than her and had a better look up close. She was different from anyone I had ever met before. Her eyes were amber, like a wolf and her hair was long, fading from ginger to black. When she spoke, her voice called out to me, like an echo. "I have known since a while after you woke up when I brought you here. This pack is the only wolf pack for miles around. It took me a while after our first encounter...but I soon realised you were a werewolf..." she turned away and continued down the passage, I followed behind her in silence.

It stayed like that for what seemed like forever, until the cave split off into a large open area, with two Passageways connected. There were small gaps in the walls, but I didn't get a close enough look at them before my heart was pounding quickly. I could hear footsteps further up both Passageways. The voice that followed from the left side passageway, made anger rise. Ryan. Ryan was coming. There was no where to run, if I moved, the would hear me... I desperately searched round for a gap to duck into, just to protect me for a while. There was nothing. There was only a small whole in the wall, leading off into what seemed like another passage, but smaller than these. However, I was too big to fit in... I sensed Hunters fear, and guessed the other set of footsteps was her alpha.

She was a perfect size to fit into the whole. I grabbed her arm and she spun round to look at me. I smiled weakly. "Thanks for getting me this far...but I won't be getting any further...but you need to be safe." I pushed her into the whole, placing my hand on her head so she didn't bang it. I took a deep breath and cleaning fists. Time to face my fears...

When I faced them, there was silence for a moment. But not long enough to attack. Ryan was the first to speak..."see, i told you it was her! I could sense it from the beginning!" I growled, not showing that I was too weak and tired to lash out. But I didn't have to, the alpha sensed it already. "Well well...looks like that wasn't as hard as we it's just him to get hold of..." I jumped forward so I was standing face to face with him, matching his height but not so much is strength. "I heard you talking! Don't you dare touch Aaron or I'll-" he laughed. His laugh was so evil, like venom. "You won't do anything...and you won't have to...soon you will belong to us...and your friends too! Our plan is already in action...and now we have you..." Ryan grabbed me by the arm, forcing me to walk. There was no escape...I was trapped...

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