Magic child...

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*Snow's POV*

As I stared down at the body which was ice cold, a shiver went down my spine. I didn't really understand what had happened, but I knew one thing. Ryan was dead.

I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to get out. I struggled to my feet, my skin and clothes smeared with blood from both me and Ryan. I was in pain everywhere. I turned to the direction I had come and ran. I don't know how long I ran for, but I didn't seem to be more than a second before I heard a scream. It was Aphmau.

I ran on, determined to get as far away from that place as possible. My feet were refusing to move as quickly as I would have liked but I kept moving. Then the clearing lay out in front of me.

It took a while for the area in front of me to become noticeable. Aaron lay in the ground, eyes glazed over while Aphmau kneeled over him, sobbing. The others hovered nearby, frozen with shock. Misteria and Kim were no where to be seen. Then suddenly Lucinda pushed through, staff in hand. She cast a spell which froze Aaron. Her voice could be heard over Aphmaus loud sobbing and screaming. "We have to get Aaron back to the lodge! Now!"

Suddenly the breath was pulled out of me. The wolf amulet started to glow as I fell to my knees. I closed my eyes and the pain struck me. The one remaining light that was glowing from the body of the wolf didn't go out. Instead the whole amulet started to split in the middle, before it shattered into my multiple small pieces.

I fell onto my back and just lay there, unable to move. I could hear Lucinda pushing everyone away from me. "Stay back... I don't know what's going on..." Garroth tried to push through but Lucinda held him off. "I have to get to her!" He begged, but Lucinda didn't change her mind.

My body felt like it was on fire, every part of me was burning hotter than anything I could image. I opened my eyes to try and find comfort in the blue sky, but a dazzling light met with my vision.


I awoke to my body curled around a smaller creature. It was restless and wriggling from my grasp. My tail crossed over my body and was stuck, being held in place by something. My hands felt soft fur and then a material that resembled hair. Then I was aware of Lucinda crouching beside me. She whispered in surprise. "This is incredible... Snow... you need to see this."

As I opened my eyes, I kept my body curled so that the creature couldn't get away. However I moved my arm slightly, to get a better look. Inside the curve of my body, lay a baby. It was a girl, who wasn't newborn but not old enough to be out in this cold of conditions either. Her mass of hair was the colour of a light creme, almost golden and upon that sat a pair of fluffy white werewolf ears.

I stared down at her, mesmerised and shocked. "How could this have happened?" I said, staring at Lucinda. She shook her head with confusion. "I have no idea... it must have been an accident due to magic... but now you have a baby to look after... you better tell Garroth and the others..."

But before I could say anymore, I felt my tail being released, before it was gone. Then I blacked out, one hand still gripping onto the small infant.

Truths Desire ~ Emerald Lodge (Aphmau fanfic with inserted characters)Where stories live. Discover now