Itona x Pregnant! Reader

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Requested: IvyDragoSlayer

Your hands trembled as you held the oh so positive test in your hand. 'Two lines....did I read it right?' You thought. You picked up the box, and reread the instructions carefully. You gulped. 'Oh great! And to think that just last week, I thought that this was all a stupid misunderstanding!'
There was a knock on the door.
You jumped, and quickly hid the test in one of the cabinets, grabbed a whole bunch of toilet paper, and hid it. "(Y/n), why are you taking so long? Open up," said a calm voice that eased a bit of your fear away.
You gulped, straightened your back, and opened the door. Itona just stared at you with a blank face.

He placed his hands on your shoulders, and moved you to the right. You blushed, and Itona walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. You sighed, and tried to devise a plan. You remembered that you both were going to meet up with Nagisa and Kayano later on at Isogai's cafe. The least you could do was tell Itona when the other two weren't looking, but that was going to prove difficult since Kayano would always be observant. You rubbed your eyes stressfully, and ran a hand through your fringe. You heard the door open, and felt two arms wrap around your waist.
Itona kissed the crook of your neck, making you shiver.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Ah, one of the many reasons why you loved him. He always noticed what was wrong with you, even when you tried to hide it. You turned around, still in hid embrace, and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his soft lips. "It's just...I want to tell you something but I can't!" You said.
Your buried your face in his chest.
Itona placed his chin on top of your head. "Lemme wanna break up?" He said. You looked up at him almost instantly. "No! Why would I!? I love you so much, I can't do that!" You said.
Itona's cheeks flared up.
You buried your head in his chest again.

You felt that all hope was lost, that there was no point in telling him, that is until your felt Itona's chest heave with laughter. You could hear his soft chuckles, and you looked up. "W-what?" You asked. It was so strange for him to be laughing like this. He always pretty much had a blank look on his face. So, seeing him laugh his ass off seemed strange. "Itona?"

He managed to control his laughter enough to finally speak.
"Oh, (Y/n). You know there's no point in hiding it right?" He said. You blushed.

"What are you...?"

"You're pregnant aren't you?"

At that moment, all signs of sound left the room. Your breath hitched, and Itona held his, already expecting your answer. You swallowed, and nodded. Suddenly, Itona's embrace tightened around you, and you felt hot tears start to pour. "I-I was so afraid t-to tell you!" You sobbed.
Itona gave you a soft smile, and pat your head. "You know you shouldn't be afraid, because I'll always be there for you," he said. You gave him a weak smile, and hugged him even more.

Minutes passed, but to you it felt like an amazing eternity.

"C'mon, let's get ready. We'll meet everyone in a bit," Itona said, grabbing some shoes, and walking out the door. How lucky were you to have such a sweet young man like him?

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