Asano x shy reader: Cold

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The cold began to seep through your denim sweater, and you shivered. You rubbed your hands together. It was cold. Really cold. You shivered again, and sat down on the curve of the sidewalk. You just got out of school, having to serve a tutoring lesson with an equally boring teacher. As if math wasn't already terrible.
So, after tutoring, you realized that all you had brought with you today was a denim sweater, and a pair of gloves that didn't even fit. You shoved the gloves into your backpack, and closed the bag with a, rather loud, zip.
You shivered once again for the millionth time, and rubbed your arms. You got up when you noticed a car that looked similar to yours drive by, but it turned out it wasn't. You sighed.
You were about to leave when you sneezed all of a sudden.
You sniffled, and groaned.
"Great, now I'm gonna catch a cold," you said to no one in particular. You rubbed your hands together in a final effort for warmth, when you felt a scarf being wrapped lazily around your neck.
Puzzled, you looked up. Gakushū Asano was standing before you, cheeks slightly pink due to the cold, and his violet eyes traveled up and down your form.
You looked down at the red scarf that was wrapped around your neck, and smiled sweetly at him. "Ah, thank you!" You said. Asano hummed, and sat down. You looked down at him.

"Well? Are you going to sit or are you going to stand like a dazed animal?" He said, rather sassily. You sat down immediately. Okay, so what if you did find him rather...intimidating. He was always at the top of his class, and his attitude almost matched his fathers who, no doubt, was a bit sinister from what you've heard.
You cleared your throat as awkwardness began to shove its way in between you two. It was silent for a solid two minutes when you broke it.
"Umm...why are you here?" You asked. He glared at you, and you immediately added, "not to be rude!" Asano gazed at you for a moment, his glare seeming to soften just a bit when he noticed how apprehensive you seemed to be. He scoffed, his cheeks turning a softer shade of pink, which he was glad you didn't notice. "A lady most certainly shouldn't be waiting out here all by herself. You never know what monsters are lurking in dark places. Right, (F/n)?" He said.
Your eyes widened a bit.
He called you by your first name.
Truth be told, you didn't even speak to him that much. You only spoke twice. The first time, because you got lost on your first day and bumped into him. He helped you find your classroom with a bit of conversation here and there but that was it. And the second was when someone tripped you and you dropped all of your books on the floor. Boy, did that person get the backlash of his life. Asano had apologized to you and told you the person wouldn't bother you anymore. You thanked him, and you bravely pat his head.
Sometimes you even wondered yourself why you were scared of him.

Maybe it was his deathly glare that could kill in an instant, or it was his frown, or the expression he had. Or maybe it was his strawberry blonde hair, or his enticing violet eyes....
"(F/n). I'm called you!" He said. You got out of dreamland, and looked at him. Asano smiled softly, and pat your head gently, as if he was afraid that he'd break that "innocent" little shield you had (A/N: which is non existent, right??).

"Um, what was...the question?" You asked. Asano shook his head, and looked straight ahead. You suddenly shivered, and Asano took the moment to scoot closer and wrap his arm around your shoulders. He took off his hat, and put it on you. It slightly covered your eyes, and you left it that way. You let his warmth spread around you, and failed to acknowledge why he did the action he wanted to do.

"I love you," he said.

"I know," you replied.

Word count: 709

Whooppppooooooo that was fun to write!!! Ahhhh, been so long since I typed. Well, I moved back to Houston and rented an apartment here cause I'm spending the holidays with the fam :)
Also, hint hint, I put some Easter eggs...? Or little symbols in the story. Try to find them ;) Good night!!! Well, for me.

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