Jealous! Nagisa x Reader

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Requested by: ItzTwinkleChannnnnn

I'm not gonna lie. Nagisa was jealous.

You and Karma were the best of friends. And the thing is, is that Karma loved to tease you. He would play pranks on you, and you would always be around him. And then, came your field trip. Koro-Sensei rubbed his....tentacles... together, and laughed mischievously. "Nyrufufufufu! I love matchmaking!" He told himself. Maehara turned to him, "what did you say?" He asked, clearly confused as the rest of the students. You looked around. You were all standing in front of a cave on the beach you all went to as vacation. The serene splashing of the waves as they crashed down onto the shore seemed to relax you more.
"Alright students, listen up! I'm going to partner you up with someone to face the challenges of fear!" Koro-Sensei exclaimed. Everyone looked at each other, seemingly excited about what was to go on.
Then, came the moment when Koro-Sensei paired everyone up. Wanting to be paired up with Karma, you looked up and waved at Karma. He waved back at you rather playfully. You noticed that Okuda was standing rather close to him.
Realization then hit you when you realized they were partners. A bit of disappointment filled your thoughts, but were cut off when you saw that Nagisa got close to you.

He smiled at you. "Looks like we're partners, (Y/n)." He said. A light hue dusted his cheeks, making him look innocent. But you knew better. You were there when he used his bloodlust to take down Takaoka. It was frightening but for some reason it didn't bother you. In some way....Nagisa is cute. His beautiful azure eyes were indeed his brightest physical feature. And his personality added in contrast. He was a lover at the very least, not strong, but a good fighter.
You grinned at him, and his blush seemed to darken. It was only moments later, when you were all at the entrance. "Hey, (Y/n)," said a mischievous voice. You turned your head and saw Karma looming over you.

You sighed. "What do you want tomato head?" You asked. Karma dismissed your insult, and smirked. "Don't get scared (Y/n)! I won't be there to protect you!" He said. Your cheeks flared up a bit.
You suddenly felt a hand grab your shoulder. "I'll be there for her!" Nagisa said. A moment passed, and Karma started laughing at him.

"N-Nagisa, you really know how to punch up a joke!"

"Shut up Karma! At least I'm not some freaking titan just waiting for their lunch!" Nagisa shot back. Karma instantly stopped laughing. "You can't be talking Nagisa. Although I am some giant, at least I'm not a shrimp like you!" He said. Nagisa and Karma shot insult after insult at each other, using words that you wouldn't even dare to use in front of your mother.
It got the point where you were annoyed. "Shut up both of you!"
They both stopped and looked at you. "Karma! Of all the times that we've known each other, you're such an arrogant little period head! Nagisa!" Said boy flinched. "Even though you're short, you still try to act tough! Stop trying to piss Karma off knowing you wouldn't win the fight! Now both of you be quiet and get inside!"

Everyone stared in amazement at your little rant. You were pretty much the only one who could be able to calm Karma down when he got angry, and sometimes you were as blunt as ever when it came to insults. You all filed in one by one. Two minutes into the walk, which was in silence, Nagisa spoke. "Um...(Y/n)?" He asked. You hummed in response. "Did you really mean everything back there?" He asked.
You were silent for a moment.
"Although Karma may be arrogant, and cocky sometimes, he's still nice enough to care about his comrades. You....Nagisa," you said. Nagisa looked at you when he noticed the change in tone. He blushed when you got closer to him. "Nagisa. Even though I insulted you back there, I didn't mean it. Sometimes, I can never bring myself to insult you, because I just see you as perfect. But....dammit!" You blushed. It was so damn hard to speak! Suddenly, you pressed your lips against Nagisa's. The blue hairs boy blushed so read he could rival an apple. Seconds later, he returned your kiss. You both parted ways because of that dreaded thing called oxygen. You smiled at each other, and hugged.
"Nyrufufufufu, what do we have here!?"


Whew! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Honestly, this was much to easier to type than the others. Sorry it took me so long to update. I've been caught up in life! Also, it may take me awhile to update nowadays. I know it's summer, but I still have a lot on my plate that I can't mention for personal reasons. Again, gomenasai, I promise I'll try to update as much as possible. Sage, out! *drips mic*

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