chapter 6: Contemplate.

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"Think I could go out for a few hours? I do have another Job you know."

Yulia asked as soon as she walked into the area of the building they refered to as the bay.

"Just get Anya or one of the other females to guard the room....or maybe Pari will be okay...hard to be afraid of someone if they have pink and silver hair."

Yulia chuckled at that.

"yeah, they've got strange style. I think Anya is the best choice until Lena gets to meet everyone."

Yulia responded with a shrug before adding

"Well I better get going. should only be gone two hours this time since we have a lot more help now that the local collage is on break."

Lena sat watching Anya show Katya how to make an paper crane, making her wonder exactly how either Anya and Yulia had came to be here to began with.

By looking at Yulia one wouldn't think she could kill. She was small built and seemed almost too compassionate​ for a job that would require killing. Anya seemed almost like a robot, though watching her interact with Katya kind of made Lena wonder if there was more to her as well.

However before she could even get the nerve to ask she could hear Yulia yell something down the hall, followed by someone's bellowing laugh.

"What the hell has that girl done now?"

Anya rolled her eyes though the corners of her lips did lift up a little.

"get that fucking thing away from me, Pari! I swear to all that is holy...."

Yulia yelled as she bolted inside Lena's room and locked the door.

"Let me guess, Pari let their fuzzy sack of legs crawl near you again?"

Anya asked, arching a brow.

"Shut up! Those things are venomous and just all out creepy!"

Anya let out a bark of laughter then.

"you know most pet tarantulas don't even cause more than a rash or muscle cramps if they bite you right? Most mild reactions come from asian breeds and those normal pet shops don't sale, usually."

Anya retorted, earning a look.

"I don't give a flying flip! They are keeping that walking hairball away from me!"

Lena couldn't help but to laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

Yulia was an assassin, yet she was freaking out over a insect?

"Stop laughing....It's not funny. Have you ever saw one up close? They're huge!"

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