chapter 15: Agree

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Lena sighed as she watched as Yulia took aim at the blinking target before them, though as if something else was on her mind the bullet only snagged it.

"jeez, You suck."

Lena commented as she shoved Yulia to the side slightly before sending three continuous shots into the target.

"How did you learn that fast?"

Yulia asked, earning a laugh.

"Long story short....It's kinda like golf and billiards."

Lena commented, earning a snort.

"that is the first time I have ever heard anyone say that."

Yulia commented before sighing and adding

"Why don't we go somewhere else? Just hang out? I think that you need a break."

Lena commented, earning a surprised look.

"You sure? I mean your sister...."

Yulia began, earning a small smirk.

"relax. Come on. It'll be fun!"

Yulia couldn't help but relax while Lena drove, leaning against the window and watching the streetlights move past.

The cool breeze blowing through her hair and against her skin and the soft sound of the radio playing through the silence.

"So where are we going?"

she asked, looking over at Lena who just smirked.

"Just a place where I use to go.''

Lena retorted simply.

They arrived at a small building that was in middle of nowhere, flashing christmas lights decorating the outside.

"come on. I promise it will be fun."

Yulia nodded then and got out, following Lena inside only to almost fall backward due to how loud it was inside.

"Holy fuck....Lena, you come here? I thought you were innocent?"

Yulia commented, earning a laugh.

"Don't judge on looks Yulika."

Yulia blinked in surprise at the nickname before letting Lena drag her toward the bar.

"Hey Amber! Meet Yulia."

The blonde behind the bar smiled at them and nodded

"Hello. What can I get you two tonight?"

came the reply.

"Virgin anything. I don't want to drive home drunk."

Lena responded

"Same for me. One hangover is enough for this week."

Yulia stated, earning a chuckle from Lena.

Being so close to Lena in the small booth was hard for Yulia though Lena's cheerful personality as well as the upbeat music that was playing calmed her nerves greatly.

"So I want to know something....I know this is weird but....Would you agree to go out with me tomorrow night? As in on a date?"

Yulia finally stated, earning a surprised look from Lena who then retorted

"Is this why you were being weird all day? As long as we can take things slow...I guess we can. I don't know how good I can be at this romance thing after......what happened."

Yulia reached across the table and took Lena's hand.

"I don't care about all of that. I like you for you. I don't care how slow we have to go."

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