chapter 22: The Call

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I woke up with a start. It was the weekend so there was no school but I instantly noticed that Yulia was no where in sight. Ivan didn't even know where she was and she told him nearly everything. Then I got the call.

It was Yulia's number and the raspy, out of breath voice on the other line only managed to say three words

"Lena, send help."

I felt something in me snap then and I understood what Yulia had meant before about something snapping inside you, when you just do what you have to and I inly knew one thing; I had to get Yulia back.

Rushing from the room I went to Ivan, telling him only to have my phone taken from my hands by Pari who was showing Ivan some blueprints for something.

"I'll run tracers. Ivan, you and Lena may need to suit up. There's no way Lena should go alone on this. We don't know what she is walking into."

Lena couldn't help but worry as se sat there, waiting for Pari to do whatever it was that they were doing.

"Ivan, she sounded so different from herself. I hope she's okay."

She stated, earning a sigh.

"So do I Lena, so do I."

Yulia couldn't believe how much pain she felt, her whole body seemed to throb as she watched the retreating figures, all but one familiar. She couldn't help but cry, though the last bit of strength in her kept her from making a sound.

There is no such thing as love....
If there were he would not have let them....

She thought before everything went black.

She woke up to the sound of gunfire, followed by a voice calling to her softly.

she managed to look up then, seeing Lena's face just inches above hers. Her freckles hid by the stains of smoke and blood and she could only hope that it wasn't Lena's own.

Unable to form the words she wanted to say Yulia instead reached up, wiping away some o the tears that was streaking down Lena's face and slowly forced a smile, though it was easy to see the pain behind it.

"You can't do this, you work for the government....They'll kill you!"

She could hear the voice of her abuser say, though when she looked up she saw Ivan standing with a pistol in hand.

"I doubt they would care if I took out scum like you."

His voice was so low and full of anger that Yulia couldn't help but flinch.

"I was hired to...."

The man stated, and it was Lena who spoke.

"Who was it that had you do this to her."

It wasn't a question but a command.

And Yulia wished that she hadn't heard the answer.

"spare the bastard. I know who we need to find. That son of a bitch will pay for doing this to her."

Lena told Ivan who just nodded, putting the gun away but just as the man before him relaxed Ivan redrew the weapon and whipped him around the side of the face with it.

"Pari, take him to interigation. Lena and I need to get Yulia to trauma bay."

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