chapter 8: School part 1

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"Are You sure you're ready? I mean after all that happened...."

Yulia began, only to earn a look from Lena.

"I'm fine. Besides, I am getting sick of sitting here doing nothing. I'll be meeting Ivan and Pari this evening wont I? Trust me, they do not want to meet me if I am going stir crazy."

Lena retorted as she shoved more supplies into her bag, pausing to add

"Can you go make sure Katya is ready? I would but the stairs are still a challenge."

Yulia nodded before answering

"of course. Anything you two need."

Lena rolled her eyes at that before mumbling

"You're not a slave. If I still didn't​ hurt so much I wouldn't ask you to do something so simple."

Lena retorted just too low for anyone to hear before she felt something small and fluffy brush against her, only to look down to see a white ferret.

"Oh shit. Forgot he was out. Do me a favor and keep small things from him? He'll steal anything."

She called as she came over and knelt down, letting the creature crawl up her sleeve.

"It's fine. He just startled me."

Lena stated, earning a laugh.

"Yeah, they're good at being sneaky."

Anya stated just as Yulia returned downstairs with Katya riding on her shoulders.

"You ready to go?"

Yulia asked, earning a look.

"just let me go grab my jacket."

"Remind me again why this school has uniforms? Or why Ivan sends you to this prissy place?"

Lena asked, earning a laugh.

"Trust me, if I could go to any other school....I would. Ivan said something about this one looking good on collage applications."

Yulia replied just as a rock came out of nowhere, though to Lena's surprise Yulia caught it without looking.

"You little brats need to learn better tactics besides blind siding me. Remember I'm a ninja."

She called, confusing Lena until a group of four kids came out of the shrubs nearby.

"When will teach us to do that?"

One young boy asked, earning a smirk.

"When you get a bit older. Not seven. Oh by the way, this is Katya, maybe you guys can show her around the school?"

After Katya ran off with the other kids Lena looked over at Yulia


She repeated quizzically

"Oh shut it. I can't exactly tell them what I am now can I? Besides they're kids. They believe everything."

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