chapter 42: Deeply

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Yulia made it out just in time to see Lena collapse, a strange red car peeling its way out of the parking lot. Grabbing the pistol that Lena had threw on the ground Yulia took aim at the car, managing to knock out one of the tires before rushing to Lena's side.

Lena was laying slumped on the ground, blood pooling around her.

"Lena, what happened?"

Yulia demanded just as other agents came pooling from the building.

"I don't know, it all happened so fast. The car pulled up and just..,opened fire." Lena answered, just as Ivan called for medics to take her into the medical unit of the building.

Yulia watched as Lena was taken away, her tears and worry turning into pure, burning rage.

"You two, come with me. The culprit probably crashed somewhere around the curve there."

She told them, her voice taking on a commanding tone that made the two lesser officers fear the sixteen year old girl.

Yulia felt numb as they pulled up to the wreck, gun drawn as she walked over to the smoking vehicle, the two officers she had dragged along flanking her, though she found herself unable to pull the trigger as she saw a familiar figure laying against the steering wheel, barely breathing.

"You two, call Ivan. I need to get back to Lena."

With that she left, cursing herself for being so weak.

When she got back to base she found that Lena had been hauled into surgery.

"How is she?"

She demanded Peri as she went into the waiting area

"The gun was a .22 caliber. The bullet is lodged in her shoulder and an artery was pierced. She's tough though so she should be fine."

Peri answered just as Yulia sank onto the bench, bursting into tears.

"it's all my fault. If I hadn't flipped out..."

She began though Peri cut her off.

"No Yulia, whoever done this....Was trying to get to you. A .22 will not do much damage unless the shot is in the chest or head. Whoever done this only shot to cause pain....thus why it went into the shoulder. Perhaps this person was after you."

Lena awoke to the annoying sound of beeping, followed by waves of pain radiating through her chest and shoulder. Opening her eyes she saw two tubes running from her left hand. One hooked to a bag of clear liquid while the other ran red.

"You're awake!"

Yulia exclaimed, causing the redhead to wince.

"Yulia, Don't be so loud."

She grumbled as she tried to sit up, only to gasp in pain.

"Don't move! You'll rip your stitches. I'll go tell the doctors you're awake."

When Yulia returned Lena was sitting up, despite the order not to. Turning her attention to Yulia for a second she noted the bags under the brunette's bloodshot eyes.

As soon as the doctor had checked everything over and left Lena turned to Yulia, who seemed unable to meet her gaze.

"Yulia, don't you dare blame yourself for this."

Lena began, earning a surprised look.


Yulia began, earning a sigh

"You have that look that reminds me of a puppy caught in the trash."

Lena retorted, grinning slightly as she watched color crawl into Yulia's face.

Without a word Yulia moved to the side of the bed, leaning down to press a kiss onto the redhead's forehead.

"I am so sorry. If I hadn't been such a bitch...."

Yulia began, earning a light pinch to the arm.

"Ow! Hey! What the hell Lena?"

She yelped, earning a light smirk

"You're not a bitch, a brat maybe but not a bitch so stop putting yourself down. Besides, I'd rather it be me than you."

Lena responded, earning a glare.

"If you weren't injured..."

Yulia began just as a knock came at the door.

"Yulia, Lena's parents are here to see her."

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