chapter 28: gift

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Lena woke up to the sound of crying, prompting her to grabbing her pistol and going into the living room area only to find Yulia knelt in front​ of Katya, who was sitting on the floor.

"Let me see Katya. This is why you shouldn't be running inside."

Yulia sighed, noticing that what the little girl was crying about was  place where the carpet had rubbed the skin raw when she fell.

"Yeah, I know it hurts. Calm down...I'll make it feel better in a second."

Lena watched as Yulia went to the kitchen, returning with a first-aid kit and a wet washcloth.

"Here, this may sting a bit but I promise the salve I put on it after will make it feel better."

Lena chuckled silently as she watched Yulia, who always acted so guarded and tough become so gentle in what seemed like an instant.

She sat there on the floor with the younger girl, teasing her in a hushed voice until Katya calmed down and finally smiled.

"Well aren't you good with kids."

Lena finally spoke, watching as Yulia blushed.

"Um...Hi Lena."

She muttered, causing Katya to giggle as she got up.

"Yulia got you something while we were out!"

Lena looked to her sister then back at Yulia who seemed even more embarrassed.

" idea if you'd like it but....Here."

Yulia practically threw a small black box to Lena, who barely managed to catch it.

As she opened it she saw it was a necklace with a dove pendant, a small green jem making up the eye and the word love engraved into it.

"Yulia, it's beautiful. Thank you."

Lena stated, blushing slightly as she walked over to where Yulia was still sitting on the floor before kneeling down and kissing the dark haired girl.

Katya made a sound of disgust though Lena just laughed.

"You won't think kissing is gross when you get older."

She teased, earning a look.

"I'm never kissing anyone like that! Boy or girl!"

An Angel and A Devil (A t.A.T.u Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now