Ch2:Being held captive

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Edited: 23rd June 2019

(y/n)'s pov

I sat at the counter of the bar, bored out of my mind as I dropped my head roughly on my arms. "Hey, are you alright?" a white haired girl inquired in a sweet and caring tone.

"Who are you" I snarled in an annoyed and rude way, venom clear in my voice. "I'm Mirajane" she replied with a sickingly sweet smile while drying a glass, ignoring my tone.

"So, what's your name kid?" someone asked from behind me. "Tell us. Tell us" some annoying high pitched voices added. I turned around to see some weirdo guy with a helmet and five freaky looking toys floating next to him. "Why is it any of your business?" I snorted, giving a pissed off look. My (e/c) eyes flashing with annoyance at this guy.

"Because I want to know" the man replied to me with a weird smile on his face. "Why would I tell someone that I don't even Fucking know my name?" I growled, crossing my arms. I was starting to get extremely pissed at this guy.

"Well because I thought you might want to join the guild. It would be better if you got to know everyone here" he answered like it was nothing.

I had noticed that he stuck his tongue out when he spoke which seemed pretty disgusting and most likely unhygienic to others
However I can't say anything since this is coming from the person who has lived their whole life in an alleyway with tattered and beaten up items and wears the same clothes every single day.

 "Why would I join such a stupid guild?" I challenged with a snarl, crossing my arms and giving him a deathly glare. Then the guy with long green hair that had a small ponytail at the end walked up to me. "Your a very rude young girl, aren't you" he asked rhetorically while a brown haired girl and a blonde guy walked up to me.

"Not very lady like is she" the brown haired girl added, waving a fan in front of her face. "Why would I care what a bunch of fairies think of me. Your nothing more than weaklings compared to me" I explained with a smirk on my face, running one hand through my hair. Every single person in the guild turned around to face me and stared at me, eyes wide and jaws dropped.

"Alright then how about a battle" a pink haired man walked over to me as he set his right arm on fire. He may look like an adult but I swear he is acting like a child. "Alright but I ain't going easy on you just cause your a fairy" I told the cocky pink haired boy.

I stood up, ignoring the pain in my ankle and limped into the middle of the guild hall. Everyone quickly moved the tables and chairs to make a barricade and were hiding behind them. The only ones who didn't hide were the blonde, the green haired guy, the weirdo and the brunette. 

"I'm all fired up" the pinky yelled covering his fist in bright red, orange and yellow flames. He ran forward to attack. "Baka" I heard the blonde whisper while shaking his head. I covered my fist in my magic and punched him in the face and kicked him in the balls at the same time, sending him flying across the room.

Laxus's pov

"Baka" I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief.  Natsu was about to punch the girl in the face when suddenly her hand turned into a white and light blue coloured ice and punched him in the face and kicked him in the balls at the exact same time, sending him flying back towards me.

I grabbed Natsu's scarf and held him in the air. He had passed out from the impact and was bleeding from a small cut on his head. Everyone was shocked by this except my team and I. "I thought she had potential" Freed muttered, hand placed under his chin while looking impressed.

The girl limped back to the bar counter and sat down. She placed one hand against her cheek, elbow leaned on the table and went into thought again while the guild put all the tables and chairs back into position. "Maybe we should get her to join the thunder legion" Bickslow suggested, head tilted to look at the girl.

"Yeah if she'll join the guild that is" Evergreen added, holding her fan in front of her face again.

(y/n)'s pov

I sat at the bar, remembering the days I spent with my foster mother and dragon Celest when the blonde guy with the lightning scar over one eye walked over and sat on the stool next to me.

"So what's your name?" he inquired with a raised eyebrow. "Why should I tell you?" I snared. "Because I want to get to know you" he replied. "Fine. My name is (Y/n)" I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n). I'm Laxus" he told me with a small smile on his face. Then his three friends came along. "I'm Bickslow" the guy in the helmet introduced and pointed to himself. "Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you." his little toys added.

"I'm Evergreen, Queen of the Fairies" The brunette added, holding a red and white fan in front of her face and pushing her glasses a little bit up her nose.

"And I am Freed" the green haired guy finished, bowing down in respect. "Hey, you know if you join the guild then you can be part of the Thunder Legion" Laxus stated. "Give me some time to think about it" I told him.

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