Ch23: The Party

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(Y/N)'s pov

I stood in front of a mirror, putting my hair into a plait. I was wearing a long (F/C) dress that Laxus had gotten me. I also had the jewellery that Laxus had got before. I looked at my reflection and smiled as I pulled on a small soft jacket over the dress. I smiled, letting a section of my hair fall into my face. 

I turned around to see Rainbow who was wearing a short, black dress that would show her cleavage if she transformed into her human form. "Rainbow thinks you look nice" Rainbow commented as I laughed. "I think you look nice as ell" I replied, winking.

I looked down and saw the tights that I was wearing. Luckily I could put shoes onto my metal leg so that helped but I wasn't sure how things would go with fighting especially since I was still getting used to walking again. I went with Rainbow into the main hall, just as Natsu came out dressed as the king.

I spotted Laxus and walked over to him, as he had his back to me. I smiled and covered his eyes with my hands and spoke. "Guess who" I smiled as I felt him grab one of my hands and spin me to be in front of him as he looked into my eyes and winked. I laughed before he pulled me into a dance position and we started dancing as I blushed. 

I looked around to see others dancing such as Evergreen with Elfman and Gray with Wendy. I even saw Happy and Carla dancing with each other. I looked around again and saw Gajeel and Natsu talking with Sting and Rogue. 

When I spotted Frosch dancing with Rainbow, I instantly knew that I could tease her about this. Laxus saw my smirk and asked "What did you see" he asked, smiling. "Rainbow is dancing with Frosch from Sabertooth" I replied, nodding my head over to them. 

Laxus looked over before grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me off somewhere. I looked around to just see a hallway and was confused as to what why we were here. "Laxus, what's going on?" I asked, looking back at him. He cleared his throat and started speaking. 

"So I know that in dragon terms, we are married but I'm not a true dragon slayer. I wasn't raised by a dragon and I have family that don't follow that rule so I was hoping to ask you a question" Laxus spoke as I blinked in confusion. Laxus then got down on one knee, pulling out a small black box and opened it up to show a shiny ring. 

"(Y/n) (L/n), will you marry me" Laxus spoke, not making eye contact. "Umm, not sure how non dragon slayers do this but I'm sure you can show me so alright" I replied as he stood up, blushing. He took the ring and put it on my hand before pulling me into a kiss. 

Time skip

"WHAT!!!!!!!!" Makarov yelled after we had told him about last night. Well the proposal thing, not what happened after that. "YOUR ENGAGED!!!" Makarov added, still in complete shock about what we told him. I looked away, not making eye contact with the guild master as he started to mumble to himself.

"Gramps, calm down. Its just an engagement" Laxus sighed, trying to get Makarov to calm down. Makarov finally calmed down and sat down, holding his hands in front of his face. "Have you decided what kind its going to be" Makarov asked. "Well, we were thinking of having just a small one, just the guild" I replied. Makarov nodded and let us leave as we headed back to Laxus' house.

We walked in as Rainbow lay curled up on the couch. I sat down and stroked her as she slept peacefully. I smiled before looking at Laxus as he seemed deep in thought. "Hey Laxus, are you ok" I asked as he looked at me and smirked. 

"Well, we're alone right now and Rainbow is asleep so why don't we get serious" he smirked, getting close to my face. "Alright then, why don't we, all we need is a bed" I replied with a smirk now forming on my face. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle" Laxus spoke and I knew what he meant. 

We headed to his room and shut the door, locking it so that Rainbow wouldn't walk in and started to get physical. 


Sorry its short but I wanted to update this for you guys. I will try to make the next chapter longer and I know something you guys will like.

Not only am I doing the regular update next week but I'm also going to do a Christmas special on the 25th so you can look forward to that. 

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now