Ch7: More Flashbacks

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So I have got a update schedule for this story and my Walking the Shadows story. I will update these every Saturday and if I can't do Saturday then I will  do Sunday's but if I can't do a certain week then I will let you know so that you don't come looking for an update.

Laxus' pov

I stood outside the guild hall when I spotted (Y/n) walking over with Rainbow in her arms "so you ready to go" I asked while she nodded in reply. She seemed distant but we decided to start walking.

Time skip

We arrived at the forest that we were going to train in when Rainbow leaped onto the ground and pointed at Bickslow "hey weirdo with the dolls, Rainbow challenges you to a battle" she said pointing at Bickslow.

"First of all I'm not a weirdo, second of all these are my babies and third of all I'm not fighting a cat" Bickslow said to the little cat.

"Did you just call Rainbow weak" the little cat said with a really psychotic look on her face."Maybe" Bickslow replied nervously

"How dare you call Rainbow weak, Rainbow will kill you now" Rainbow said transforming into a human with rainbow hair that had ears and a tail and was holding a spear before chasing Bickslowh into the trees.

I turned to look at (Y/n) but she was lost in thought. "Hey (Y/n), are you okay" I asked looking at her with concern. 'What if its about the kiss. What if she hates me. Oh Shit, shit, shit. I'm a complete idiot. Fuck me wait that sounds wrong, Fuck' I panicked in my head before getting angry at myself. "I guess but can I ask you something" she asked dryly looking up at me. "Yeah sure what is it" I asked.

"Well if I told you that I killed someone how would you react" she asked me looking down."Well did you do it on purpose" I asked her, a little concerned.

"I heard a voice in my head that said I should kill these three boys that had called me names and hurt me by using a knife and dragging it through my skin and I did kill them" she explained, her voice filled with fear and sadness while looking down.

"So you killed someone who hurt you" I asked "No I killed someone who tried to kill me" she corrected me. That's when I suddenly remembered a memory that I had forgotten


I walked past an old building, bored out of my mind as I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my trousers when I heard screams of pain coming from inside the building.

I walked up to the door and opened it, I spotted many shadows dancing along the walls while sunlight shone in missing sections in the top of the building. I spotted a corridor that lead down the way and there seemed to be light coming from the bottom of the steps and further down. I walked down the stairs which creaked under the weight but I continued down the way. 

When I reached the bottom of the staris, i walked along the corridor to see a door that wasn't fully open where the light was flooding out and filling the corridor. I looked through the door and what I saw horrified me. Their was a small (h/c) haired girl restrained to a table like thing with blood dripping from all over as it stained her (s/c) skin and her clothes.

I ran over and punched the two that were laughing before punching the guy with the knife as they dropped to the ground unconscious and the knife clattered to the ground. I walked over to a lever and pulled it as the restraints opened up and the girl fell to the floor.

Before she fell I caught her in my arms and felt her tense up and the fear radiating off of her was intense. "It's ok, your safe now" I whispered, trying to comfort her but I guess she didn't hear me since she didn't respond and the fear was still there even though she had gone limp. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the nearest hospital as they took her into their care to try and heal her.

Time skip

I sat their waiting for the girl to wake up. I saw her sit up, causing me to smile in relief. "Hey, your awake" I cheered quietly as I saw her tense up. "Whoa, whoa calm down. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm the one who brought you here but I need to go know so take care of yourself" I told her before getting up and walking out the room. I paid the medical bill for her since she didn't look like a wizard and her parents were probably out of town which is why they didn't come to the hospital. I then headed to the train station to catch a train that went back to the guild.

End of flashback

"Wait a minute, you were the girl that I saved all those years ago" I asked in shock. "Wait your the boy who saved me" she asked back with just as much shock as me. "Wow, I guess we met before and just didn't realise it" I chuckled. "Yeah but thanks for saving me, if it wasn't for you I would be dead right now" she thanked with a small laugh at the end.

I felt my checks start to heat up at that comment as I looked away to try and hide it. "Oh.....I-It was.....N-N-Nothing" I stuttered embarrassed.

We turned to a rustling noise coming from the bushes of the forest and Rainbow stepped out dragging a bleeding and unconscious Bickslow behind her and had a net with his babies in it in the same hand as her spear.

"Is he even alive" Freed asked with a little fear as I just started wide eyed at the two. "Yes, Rainbow went easy on him since he is Rainbow's teammate" Rainbow replied, letting go off the back of Bickslow's outfit and dropping him closely followed by his babies.

"Ok, remind me not to piss Rainbow off" I told everyone looking at poor Bickslow as Rainbow turned back into a cat. Suddenly their was a rustle in the bushes and a small green cat in a pink frog suit walked out looking around.

Rainbow walked up to him and said in her sweet high pitched voice "Rainbow says hello to you and asks if you are ok?" The little cat looked up and I noticed that he was staring at Rainbow. "No Fro is not okay, cause Fro is lost" the little cat finally replied. 'Oh great another cat that talks in third person' I thought in my head.

"Your lost, where are you trying to go" (Y/n) asked walking up to the frog cat.

"Fro is trying to find Rogue" he replied. "Oh, I'm sure I've heard that name before" (Y/n) replied, going into some thought.

"Frosch where did you go" a male voice shouted from the forest as Frosch stared at Rainbow with hearts in his eyes. After a while of listening to the yells of the male, he finally came out of the forest. He was a black haired man with blood red eyes and a strange getup.

When he saw the little frog cat that was still staring at Rainbow he sighed in relief and walked up to him. He petted him on the head as the cat turned around. "Rogue" he cried and leaped into the male's arms as he stood up still holding the cat. He then walked away into the woods not even noticing us but I noticed that the little frog cat was looking over the male's shoulder and was still staring at Rainbow, hearts still in his eyes.

"Hey (Y/n)" I said leaning in close to (Y/n). "Yeah" she asked looking at me. "Do you think that frog cat likes your cat since I saw him staring at her the whole time" I pointed out. "Yeah I saw it too, maybe he does like Rainbow" she replied with a smile as she looked over at Rainbow and then at the still unconscious Bickslow

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