Important A/N (Please Read)

1K 11 9

So hey guys I've got two things to say.

First of this book has 2.25k. I went onto Wattpad at school yesterday. I was hanging out with my two friends after getting my snack when I got onto my stories.

We were talking about our books while I was scrolling down and I saw the 2.25k and I literally screamed "Oh my God. My Laxus x reader story has 2.25k" and one of my friends was like "I know"

But seriously. 2.25k is the most reads I've had in my entire life. It's a huge deal to me and I'm so glad that so many people are reading my books and hopefully enjoying(because let's admit some of writing is a ton of crap. I actually got lasy in one of the chapters and decided to skip the rest of Battle 2 and all of Battle 3)

Onto the second thing. Now I
know you guys might not like this but this story will be finished soon. We'll when I say soon I mean next year but I will be finishing this book around halfway through February 2018.

I've planned everything out and wrote it all down and I know it doesn't seem so far away but oh trust me. February is gonna get here real fast for me. Time never seems to go slow. Its probably cause I enjoy almost everything I do(including school) and I never clock watch so time always flies by.

I planned out each chapter all the way back in August the 26th and time has gone by so fast.

So the reason I'm telling you this is because I want to be ready for the next X reader that will be posted the Saturday after this one finishes and I want to know what kind you want.

I've planned out the story, the plot and even made the characters. The only thing I need is the character that you my lovely readers will like so please. Please comment who you want it to be.

I'm afraid it has to be a boy and the reader is a girl(with two twin(or triplet)siblings) so yeah and spoiler alert please don't chose Freed or Sting because the siblings will hook up with them(P.s one of them is a boy because I'm tots fine with gay people. Heck I ship Rufus x Orga(check out my one-shot book for proof) Frosch and Lector(Frosch is a boy in my opinion) and probably others that I can't think of (I actually read Stingue books but I don't ship it but I still think it's cute)

Anyway please comment and tell me who the character (from Fairy Tail) is

P.s my friends are lunadrayerconbolt14 and Wolven_102938 go check them out if you want. They are the two friends I mentioned at the start

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now