Ch28: The baby

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I'm just going to skip to the birth because I'm completely out of ideas.

Laxus' pov

I sat on the couch, bored as (Y/n) slept upstairs. I watched the TV when I heard a loud thump from upstairs. I stood up and walked upstairs to check up on (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n), are you alright" I asked, pushing open the door.

I spotted that she wasn't in the bed and the covers had fallen off the bed. I quickly rushed around the bed to see (Y/N) on the floor, looking like she was in pain. "(Y/n) what's wrong" I asked in panic. "The........ Baby............ I think she's coming" (Y/n) replied through gasps of pain. 

"What. Right now. I'll call Wendy" I spoke and rushed to the lacrima. I grabbed it and dialled the guild. "Hello. Laxus what's wrong" Mira asked after answering. "I need Wendy. (Y/n) just went into labor" I explained. "I'll send her over" Mira spoke before hanging up. 

I rushed back upstairs and helped (Y/n) into the bed as she let out pained gasps. "Don't worry. Wendy will be here soon" I told her as she nodded but didn't say anything. I went down stairs when the doorbell rang and opened the door. (Note: Wendy took over an hour to get to Laxus' house because she had to get some stuff(information), ask where to go, go there and run for a long time or fly with Carla who could only go so fast so hope that clears up any confusions. I was just a little lazy when writing this and missed that out)

Wendy was standing in the doorway with Carla flying me to to her. "Where is she" Wendy asked as I led her upstairs. (Y/n) seemed to be in even more pain and I heard Rainbow speak sleepily.

"Rainbow asks what's going on" she asked through a yawn. "(Y/N) is going into labour" Wendy replied who was now trying to calm her down. "Really" she spoke in shock, fully awake now. To be honest that's the first time she's said something without her name first.

"Laxus. I need warm water and towels stated" Wendy ordered. I rushed down the stairs and grabbed towels and a tub of warm water before going back upstairs. Wendy seemed to be doing a rather good job in helping calm (Y/n) down.

"OK (Y/n). When I say so your going to have to push as much as you can" Wendy explained. I saw (Y/n) nod before Wendy turned to me. "Laxus, your going to want to look away but try to help encourage her" Wendy explained.

I nodded as I held onto (Y/n)'s as she let out a pained scream. "Rainbow, Carla. I' my going to need you to be ready to help warm the baby up" Wendy explained as the two exceeds nodded.

"OK (Y/n). Are you ready" Wendy asked as (Y/n) nodded. "OK you need to start pushing" Wendy ordered. (Y/n) was now letting out even more pained screams and was currently crushing my hand.

After a few minutes I heard the sound of a baby crying and saw Wendy helping the exceeds splash warm water on it. Wendy then stood and used her magic to check for any problems. "Alright, everything is good. Nothing bad happened" Wendy smiled as she started to clean up.

After cleaning up, she handed (Y/n) our daughter who was wrapped up in a bath towel. "I'll leave you two alone"She spoke as the three left the room. "She's beautiful. Just like her mother" I commented, looking down at the small child. She had a mix of blond and (H/c) hair(unless your hair is blond then it's just blond)

(I'm just going to name the child instead of doing (D/n) all the time)

She had (E/c) eyes as she gave a large yawn. "What should we call her" I asked. "What about......... Rose" (Y/n) asked. "I like it. Rose Dreyar" I commented before hearing a change in (Y/n) 's breathing.

I looked over and noticed that she had fallen asleep on my shoulder with Rose still in her arms. "Sleep well you two" I whispered and made sure they were comfy before leaving the room.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now