Ch20: Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney Vs Natsu Dragneel and ................

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No one's Pov

"The next battle will be Sabertooth's Sting and Rogue Vs Fairy Tail's Natsu and (Y/n)" Chapati yelled as the four mages walked onto the arena.

The gong rung and Sting and Rogue got ready to attack and ran forward but Natsu and (Y/n) beat them to it. Natsu punched Sting while (Y/n) punchd Rogue. 

Both went flying back as Natsu then came and kicked Sting in the stomach, sending him flying back while (Y/n) gave rogue another good fist to the face. 

Sting landed and used his hand and feet to stop himself as dust appeared where he skidded before he attacked Natsu. "White dragon roar" He yelled as a bright laser came out of his mouth. Natsu bent backwards to avoid it as he then went and aimed the lazer at (Y/n) by moving his head but she leapt up into the air and avoided it. 

Rogue then covered his right hand in shadows and leapt up, aiming for (Y/n) while yelling "Shadow dragon slash" 

(Y/n) spotted this and yelled "Sun dragon form: Sun dragon talon" as she went onto her hands and contered Rogue's attack with her talon as the shadows disetergrated. (Y/n) smiled at him before using her body strength to push the startled Rogue backwards and landing on her feet again. 

Rogue landed on the ground, making a huge dust cloud as Sting called out his name before spotting Natsu coming towards him with his hand in Rogue's face. Natsu then hit Rogue into Sting and set his hand on fire before sending both of them off into the air and yelled "Fire dragon wing attack" 

All of Fairy Tail cheered at the way they're teammates were beating up two of Sabertooth's strongest members as the Sabertooth mages watched in shock. The crowd was on the verge of excitement about this battle as it raged on. 

"Whoa, I can't belive what's happening right before my eyes. The luxurious Sting and Rogue, the twin dragons of Fiora's mightiest guild have been over whelmed by Fairy Tail" Chapati yelled as Sting and Rogue stood up, both with bruises covering they're bodies.

"You guys are tough, that's for sure" Sting smirked as he wiped the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. Rogue just looked at (Y/n) and whispered just so that she could hear. "Just because you and your cat have helped Frosch doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you" 

(Y/n) smirked in return and gave him a look that read 'I should hope not' before the Natsu and Sting started to talk. "Tell me something, did you two really defeat your dragons with that measly power of yours?" Natsu asked standing near (Y/n).

"We didn't just defeat them, we killed our dragons with our bare hands" Sting replied and balled his hand into a fist in front of his face while smirking. (Y/n) glared at the cocky white dragon slayer as she prepared to fight again. 

"But didn't you think of them as your parents too?" Natsu asked as (Y/n) looked at him. "Are we seriously going to talk or can we get back to fighting?" she snapped. "That's none of your business" Sting replied. "Am I invisible here or are you choosing to ignore me?" (Y/n) snapped again.

"If you losers want to see our dragon slaying power, I'll be happy to show it to you" Sting continued before a ton of magic power started to radiate around them. "White drive" "Shadow drive" the two chanted as they're magic power increased. 

Rogue was then encased in shadows while Sting was surrounded by a bright, white light. "Ready Sting" Rogue asked, not taking his eyes off the Fairy Tail mages. "Yep" Sting agreed before Chapati started talking. 

Sting then made a move as he leapt forward and prepared to attack as he covered his right hand with a bright light and punched Natsu as he let out a small cry of pain and stepped back a little. "Feeling my holy white judgement?" Sting yelled as he punched Natsu again but this time with his left hand before punching Natsu continually.

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