Ch27: The second trimester

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Week 13

(Y/n) lay in her bed with her back to the door. Laxus walked in and looked over at his wofe who groaned in annoyance. "What's wrong with you" Laxus asked, raising an eyebrow. "Fuck off" she hissed not looking up. "And why would I do that. I'm not leaving my wife in the bedroom alone" Laxus replied. 

(Y/n) rolled over and looked at Laxus with a grumpy face. "What's with the grumpy face" he chuckled at the pouting female. "This is your fault. Your a dick" she replied, her face with the same expression. "You might want to lose the swearing. We don't want our kid picking up on it" Laxus chuckled as (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

Laxus smirked and  pulled the (H/c) haired female into his chest. "Your not always this grumpy. What happened" Laxus asked. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes and stuffed a nearby pillow in his face. "I'm not grumpy" she replied, looking at the blond who removed the pillow from his face. "If you say so" he replied with a small chuckle. 

Week 16

(Y/n) sat on the couch with a book in hand. She was currently wearing a baggy shirt that belonged to Laxus to hide her bump. She was reading with arm on the couch arm when the living room door opened. "What is it now" (Y/n) asked, not looking up.

"That's some way to treat your guests" a familiar voice asked as (Y/n) looked up. Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen were standing in the living room. "How did you even get in here" Laxus asked from the kitchen. "Rainbow let them in" Rainbow replied, flying into the living room and landed on the couch.

"We came to check up on you guys since you haven't been to the guild in a while" Evergreen replied, smiling. "We're fine" (Y/N) replied, looking back at the book. "How is the baby" Bickslow asked. "The baby. The baby" his babies added. "The baby is fine but is getting annoying to carry" (Y/n) replied in annoyance. The others laughed a little and they all stayed for the rest of the day.

Week 20

Laxus stretched before gently shaking his mates shoulder. She opened her eyes and yawned. "What's going on" she asked sleepily. "Its noon and we have the doctor's appointment" Laxus told her, climbing out of bed. (Y/n) groaned and climbed out of the bed, walking over to the wardrobe to get her clothes.

She put on a pair of black leggings and a black shirt along with her shoes before Laxus helped her down the stairs. "I can walk on my own" she growled as Laxus rolled his eyes. "I know that but I don't want you to get hurt" He replied in a worried tone. 

He grabbed his coat off of the coat hanger at the door and put it on as the two headed towards the hospital. Laxus kept glaring at anyone who looked at them funny as they headed through the crowds. They finally reached the hospital as Laxus walked over to the lady behind the desk. 

She told them to wait for the doctor as they sat in the waiting area. Eventually they were called by the doctor who smiled at them. She led the two to the room and smiled. "You must be (Y/n) Dreyar. I read about your wedding in Sorcerer weekly" she smiled as she got (Y/n) to sit down on the bed.

(Y/n) did so as the doctor got the liquid and rubbed it onto her stomach. Laxus was watching intently just in case something happened to his mate. The doctor then started to use the ultrasound as an image of the baby showed up on the screen. "I'll be back in a minute" she spoke and went into the back. 

Laxus seemed very anxious as he stared at the doorway that the doctor had gone through. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and grabbed onto Laxus' hand to comfort him. The doctor soon returned with a file of documents. "Don't worry. Everything is fine. Do you want to know the gender" She asked, looking at the couple.

(Y/N) looked at Laxus who nodded. "Yeah, we'd like to know" (Y/n) spoke as the doctor smiled. "Your having a girl" she smiled as Laxus looked thoughtful. "I guess we don't really have any living female's in the family beside (Y/N)" he thought aloud as he put a hand on his chin. (Y/N) raised her hand and hit him playfully on the head before heading home


Sorry its short but I have no ideas left now, sorry

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