Ch21: The Rescue Team

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(Y/N) pov

I opened my eyes as light flooded over me. "Ugh where am I" I asked squinting my eyes. "Your awake" a familiar voice spoke happily. I looked over and saw Laxus sitting next to the bed with a smile on his face when he saw me wake up. I finally realised where I was and asked "How long was I out for" as I sat up.

"2 days. It's the last day of the games today" Laxus explained before Makarov walked in. "I see your awake. That's good. I would like you to go with Natsu, Mira, Wendy and the exceeds to go save Lucy" he spoke. I sighed before answering. "Fine. I'll do it" I replied before getting out of bed and going to the team. "Wait" Laxus spoke, grabbing my wrist. "What is it" I asked before I was handed a box. "Its some new clothes I bought for you so please wear them" Laxus told me as I looked at the box. I nodded before heading to a bathroom to get changed.

Time skip

"That's a lot of fireworks, I think the final round is starting" Mira spoke as Natsu, Wendy and me ran with her while the Exceeds flew. "This is our chance guys" Natsu replied. "Aye sir" Happy added. "Rushing in while everyone is distracted by the games is smart but the Master's strategy hardly covers all the bases" Lily spoke as Rainbow flew next to me. "Rainbow thinks Lily is just being a worry wart" Rainbow whispered to me as I laughed a little but tried to hide it.

"It may not be iron clad but its the best he could do on such short notice" Carla replied. "So then what's the plan of sneaking into the castle without being seen" Wendy asked. "We could............" "Oh Happy's got it covered" Happy interrupted me. "Some how that statement didn't inspire much confidence" Carla replied. 

"Oh great everyone is ignoring me. AGAIN" I hissed under my breath which Rainbow heard. "Rainbow is sure they'll hear you soon" Rainbow told me as I sighed. "You just wait and see" Happy told Carla as he did an evil grin and laughed. 

After a while, he had gotten Natsu into a bear costume, Mira into I don't even know and Wendy into a Mato costume. "Yeah, totally not going to attract any attention" I spoke sarcastically. "Tell me this plan isn't full proof" Happy spoke as Carla looked at him, unimpressed. "Considering a fool came up with it" Carla replied as Rainbow nodded. 

"This plan will work, we just have to tweak it a bit" Mira added as Wendy and Natsu faced her

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"This plan will work, we just have to tweak it a bit" Mira added as Wendy and Natsu faced her. "Yeah, I'm all for tweaking" Natsu cheered. "Its hard to believe in any plan that involves outfits like those" Lily replied. "For once I agree with you" I sighed before Wendy turned around. "Erza and the others will be doing everything they can to win the games so we have to try everything that we can to get Lucy back" Wendy spoke as I nodded. "I believe in all of them that they will win" I spoke as Rainbow cheered "Rainbow thinks so too"

I sighed and transformed into my shadow form before entering the castle, grabbing some rope and an outfit and dumping it in front of them. "Mira, your up" I told her, remaining in my shadow form. "I don't get what your trying to tell us" Natsu complained. "Mira puts on the outfit and has the Exceeds hide in the outfit with her while she uses her transformation magic to pretend to be a guard and fake arrest the two of you" I explained as Lily looked at me. "And how will you get in" he asked.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now