Ch8: Horror stories

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(Y/n)'s pov

It had been 3 days since we arrived at the forest and Bickslow was still unable to train since Rainbow broke his ankle and this pissed him off greatly. Freed, Evergreen, Laxus, Rainbow and I would take it in turns battling each other although Rainbow seemed to be vanishing at times into the forest then returning hours later.5

Right now I was up against Freed and we were about to start when he tried to put an enchantment on me but I dodged it by leaping in the air and changing into my black eclipse form. My hair turned black with light blue highlights and my outfit changed to a black dress with blue markings.

"Black eclipse dragon roar" I yelled as a huge black roar came out of my mouth and hit Freed who was down with that one blow.

I changed back to normal and went over to the others. 'I guess my strength makes up for the fact I don't have money' I thought to myself as Laxus walked up with a blush on his face.

"Wow.. (Y/n).... Your amazing" he complemented his blush getting brighter. "Thanks" I replied with a smile before spotting Rainbow come out from the bushes with firewood in her paws

I was suspicious as to why she was getting firewood at 1 in the afternoon when we were going to head to the town to get some food to eat but I didn't question her since when she went of yesterday she brought back a ton of fish.

Time skip

We sat down around the fire as we ate the food we bought. I had a (F/f) with a (F/d) as I sat looking at the fire as it lit up the camp

"Hey, how about we tell ghost stories" Rainbow suggested. "Yes, I love ghost stories" I replied excitedly(sorry if you don't)

"Alright I will go first" Rainbow said as she grabbed a nearby torch and shone it on her face to make it a little creepy.

(A/n: If you don't want to read what the ghost story is skip to the end of it where I put the end in bold and caps lock)

"The girl hurried through her schoolwork as fast as she could. It was the night of the high school dance, along about 70 years ago in the town of Kingsville, Texas. The girl was so excited about the dance. She had bought a brand new, sparkly red dress for the dance. She knew she looked smashing in it. It was going to be the best evening of her life.

Then her mother came in the house, looking pale and determined.

"You are not going to that dance," her mother said.

"But why?" the girl asked her mother.

"I've just been talking to the preacher. He says the dance is going to be for the devil. You are absolutely forbidden to go," her mother said.

The girl nodded as if she accepted her mother's words. But she was determined to go to the dance. As soon as her mother was busy, she put on her brand new red dress and ran down to the K.C. Hall where the dance was being held.

As soon as she walked into the room, all the guys turned to look at her. She was startled by all the attention. Normally, no one noticed her. Her mother sometimes accused her of being too awkward to get a boyfriend. But she was not awkward that night. The boys in her class were fighting with each other to dance with her.

Later, she broke away from the crowd and went to the table to get some punch to drink. She heard a sudden hush. The music stopped. When she turned, she saw a handsome man with jet black hair and clothes standing next to her.

"Dance with me," he said.

She managed to stammer a "yes", completely stunned by this gorgeous man. He led her out on the dance floor. The music sprang up at once. She found herself dancing better than she had ever danced before. They were the center of attention.

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