Ch22: The 8 Dragons That Passed Through The Gate

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(Y/N) pov

"Hey miss" an unfamiliar voice called. I opened my eyes to be met with a girl with long pink hair and rosy red eyes. I quickly sat up only to regret it as pain coursed through my entire body. I looked down and noticed that I was covered on blood and so were my clothes.

"Here let me help you" the girl spoke but I refused. "No, I can heal myself" I replied, ready to change into my sky form but I couldn't, I was currently in my water dragon form but I wasn't able to change forms.

"Dammit, I've used too much of my magic power and now I don't have enough to transform into my sky form and heal myself. I stood up shakily, feeling pain in my injuries as I looked around. The only person that was here was me and this girl and no one else.

"Do you need help" she asked looking at me. "No, I'm fine I replied, before limping off. After what felt like an eternity of limping due to my injury, I finally got outside only to see the place in complete destruction and 8 Dragons rampaging around.

I went into a run even though it was killing my leg, I still did it anyway. I finally found a dragon that no one was facing and attacked it.

The dragon turned around and growled at me before going in for a swipe. I tired to dodge but my leg prevented it and I got hit.

I kept fighting, only able to use my water dragon attacks to weaken this dragon which was failing and I couldn't dodge any of its attacks.

Suddenly the dragon grabbed onto me and picked me up as it righted its grip around me and I heard my bones cracking before everything went black.

Suddenly I was standing there and the dragon was reaching for me and I knew what it was going to do and I managed to get out of the way but fell backwards after doing so.

Then the dragon picked me up again but this time by my sore leg as I screamed from the pain. I saw it move its tongue across its jaws and I knew what it was going to do. It was going to eat me.

"No you don't" I yelled about to attack but just as I went for a roar, it came out weak and then my form faded and I was left just as I was when not fighting. The dragon grinned and went to eat me but I managed to get away but not before I felt teeth bite hard on my sore leg.

I then fell to the ground and wasn't able to get up due to the fact I was getting weaker and I could guess that was from blood loss as I closed my eyes and gave in to the darkness of unconsciousness.

Laxus's pov

Once the dragons had been defeated, I eminently went looking for (Y/N) because I had spoken to Meredy and she said that (Y/N) had gone to fight the dragons even though she was low on magic power and badly injured.

I kept searching, cling her name as my team helped before I saw Freed running over to me with Rainbow. He was hiding someone in his hands who I didn't recognise at first due to them being coated in blood but then I realised who it was.

"(Y/N)" I spoke in shock as I just stared. Her clothes were torn and covered in blood and she was covered in injuries but the one that was the most eye catching was her leg or the lack there of.

"We need to get her to a doctor" I yelled as the others nodded and we rushed to an infirmary where Porlyusica and Wendy treated her while I had to wait outside.

I waited for hours in end until finally the door opened. "You can go see her now" Wendy spoke shyly as she lead me into the room.

(Y/N) was sitting up in the bed as Rainbow sat in her lap and the two were talking before she turned to see me at the door. She quickly looked away as Wendy left the room(Porlyusica isn't there) leaving the three of us alone.

"I'm so glad your alive" I smiled as I embraced her in a hug. "I'm sorry" she whispered. "What" I asked in confusion. "I'm sorry. I pushed myself too hard. I just didn't want to admit that I was hurt or low on magic" she replied.

"What exactly happened" I asked. "I used my magic to help get me and Rainbow in and out of the castle, I fought against the executioners before being separated and having to fight one alone where I used a lot of power by going into my all element dragon force. I fought against the royal soldiers and then the executioners again and then against that dragon but by that point I was already badly injured and so low on magic that I couldn't change forms" she explained.

"So you were trying to prove yourself" I asked. "I'm not really sure" she replied. "Well don't ever scare me like that again" I told her as I pulled her into a kiss. She instantly kissed back and we did this for a while before Rainbow interrupted. AGAIN.

"Rainbow thinks you forgot that Rainbow was here" Rainbow interrupted as I just glared at the cat. "I need to show you something" (Y/N) spoke.

I was a little confused until she pulled up the covers to reveal a metal leg instead of her real leg. "I don't care if you had half of your face gone, it doesn't change how I feel about you" I explained as she placed her head on my shoulder. "Your the best mate ever" she whispered before falling asleep.

I smiled and grabbed a chair without removing her head and switched off the lights by using a small lightning bolt as I slowly fell asleep with my head on hers

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