Ch3: Joining and Jobs

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Hey guys. Guess what. I'm finally on holiday which means more updates. I have a few stories planned to start or continue including...
-This one
-Walking the Shadows
-Fairy Tail Zombie Apocalypse(In working)
-The Ghost of an Exceed(In working)
-Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon x Oc(In working)
And hopefully a joint story with a friend so look forward to those but anyway time for chapter 3


(Y/n)'s pov

I sat at the bar counter bored out of my mind, fiddling with my (h/l), (h/c) hair. I had been stuck here for almost a day and that pink haired weirdo kept coming up and challenging me.

"Hey new girl" I heard him call across the guild. I turned around to see his face right in mine which pissed me off from the close contact. "What's wrong pinky? Did you lose your brain" I asked in a mocking tone, looking at him with a pissed of look and a small smile tugging at my lips. "It's salmon" he corrected me. I just looked at him raising one of my eyebrows.

"Fight me" he asked with a grin. "Ehhh, let me think......... no" I told him tapping my index finger onto the counter.

"Why not" he pouted with an annoyed face. "Because the last 30 times you've challenged me, I've sent you flying into the wall" I replied as he gave me a pouting face. "Oh come on, I'll beat you this time" he begged with some gloat in his voice.

"That's what you said last time" I replied trying to annoy him and get him to leave me alone. "Come on Natsu, leave her alone" Laxus called from across the guild hall to Mr pinky.

"Seriously, your on her side Laxus" Natsu moaned to the blond. "No, I can just see your annoying her you Fucking Baka" Laxus replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I started to zone out of their conversation ad started to fiddle with the necklace that I had around my neck, thinking. 'Maybe I should join this run down guild, the games are coming up soon and I know a lot about the wizards in all the guilds from previous years of watching. Not to mention their are a few nice people in this place' I thought, one hand holding my head up while the other was now tapping on the old wood of the bar counter.

"What are you doing" A masculine voice asked, surprising me. "Whaaaaa......." I started but but fell of the stool I was perched upon before I could finish. "Are you ok" the voice asked. I opened my eyes to see Freed extending his arm for me to grab.

"Thanks. Sorry about that, you just startled me" I apologized and thanked him at the same time, giving a small laugh and rubbing the back of my head. "So what were you thinking about" He asked again.

"Oh.....Em.........Well........Eh" I tried to say something but the words kept getting caught in my throat and my mouth became dry when I noticed Laxus' gaze on me. "What's wrong" Freed asked, looking a little worried. Not in the way you would if you had a crush on someone but more in the way of fear that said person would get hurt by another person who cared about the first person who may have got hurt.

' Who is he afraid of' I asked myself, not realizing that I had zoned out. "(Y/n). (Y/n)" I heard my name being called by another masculine voice. I shook my head and looked up to see Laxus now standing their and waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry, I zoned out" I said giving a fake smile. "So have you decided to join the guild yet" Laxus asked, with a calm face although I could see excitement swimming around in his dark green eyes. He took a seat on a stool next to me while Bickslow and Evergreen walked over.

"I thought it over and I have decided that I will join your guild" I told them relaxing a little. "Cool" Laxus said with a calm exterior but I could see his eyes had excitement and happiness swimming in them.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now