Ch25: The Punishment Game

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Hey guys. Sorry this chapter didn't come out yesterday but I was really busy. I had my volunteer job until 2 and then I had half an hour when I got home so I had to quickly do a couple things before some of my family came over and then I started to hangout with my cousin and they didn't leave till nearly 11 o'clock last night so I had to get some sleep. But anyway, on with the chapter oh and the three stars is my new way of saying timeskip

(Y/N)'s pov

I stood with team B as the other team minus Elfman returned from getting a stone. I sat at the bar counter as I waited for my turn to punish someone. "Alright time for you to chose the one you wish to punish" Master spoke as I felt a smirk creep on my face which clearly scared all of them.

Laxus took Natsu and Elfman, Mira took Erza, Gajeel took Lucy, Juvia took Gray which left Wendy so I choose her. 'Just like I planned' I thought as I pushed myself off the bar stool and walking over. Wendy strained her neck a little to look up at me and gulped. I smirked before grabbing her hand and heading out of the guild.

I could hear Lily and Rainbow getting excited about punishing Happy and Carla as I practically dragged Wendy through town since she clearly didn't want to go with me. "What's wrong with you. Are you scared of me" I asked, still dragging her as we got a few stares from the local townsfolk.

"No. Well yes. Kind of. It's just your really aggressive and I know your stronger than Natsu so I don't really want to be punished" she whispered as I dragged her into a clearing in the middle of a forest.

"Okay, show me what you've got" I ordered as she looked confused. I put my hand to my forehead and sighed. "Meaning show me how strong your magic is" I explained, still giving a sigh. "That's my punishment" Wendy asked, tilting her head and looked at me like a confused cat.

"Yes. I planned to choose you since I thought I could train you to help you get stronger" I replied, changing into my poison form and getting into a battle position.

My poison form consists of a dark purple dress with black leggings and green markings across my arms. My hair turns to a mix of lime green and dark purple. I watched as Wendy also got into a fighting position and yelled "Sky dragon roar" as a huge blast of air blasted out.

I quickly leapt out of the way, landing on a nearby tree. "Poison dragon's Fang thrust" I yelled, sending an attack at Wendy. She quickly dodged the attack and used her magic to increase her speed and power. I smirked and made sure I wasn't using my full potential. Probably about a quarter or less.

Wendy went to attack me when something was thrown in between us. I studied it and my eyes opened wide. I changed into my iron form and activated dragon force. I leapt for Wendy and pinned her to the ground, using my wings to block us off as the item started beeping loudly before exploding, a huge amount of dust and rising everywhere.

I looked up from the ground to see some guy smirking. "Can I not get one day to train with someone" I hissed to myself. I went to use a dragon roar but suddenly started to feel sick to my stomach. My hands flew to my mouth as I felt like I was going to throw up. 'What is happening to me' I thought, remembering that this had happened for a couple of days now at the most random times.

I collapsed to the ground on my knees, my hands still cupped over my mouth as Wendy looked at me in panic. "Hey guys look, some thing's wrong with her" The guy yelled as two others came out from behind the trees. 'Oh no, not them. How are they still alive. I killed them. It's impossible" I thought in panic before I couldn't hold my vomit in anymore and threw up into a nearby bush.

"You think your so high an dmighty because your dating the grandson of Fairy tail' s guild master. Well your not. Your a monster who would try to murder innocent people" the leader smirked. "You aren't so innocent if you tried to kill me first" I retorted before throwing up again.

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