Ch11: Fairy Tail Team B

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(Y/n)'s pov

I opened my eyes slowly and yawned. I tried to sit up only to feel arms around my waist.

I looked down at my waist to see 2 arms wrapped around it. I remembered what happened last night and slowly got Laxus' arms off of me and got out of the bed.

I placed my hand on the yellow dragon mark on my neck and traced it with my fingers. I smiled before walking out of the bathroom.

Laxus sat on the bed with his shirt and trousers on. He had his hand placed on his neck when I walked in.

"Since your ready, we should head back to the others" I said. "Aren't you gonna put a different outfit on" he asked although it didn't seem like he wanted to know. "What how did you" I asked. "I may be a dragon slayer through a lacrima but that doesn't mean that I can't tell the difference between smells" he said.

"Well the reason I didn't change is because these are the only clothes that I have" I told him a little embarrassed. "Why do you have only one pair of clothes" he asked once again sounding like he wasn't asking.

"Well, I don't have any jewel to buy clothes" I replied while Laxus smiled. "I knew that but I wanted you to tell me first" he explained.

"How did you...." I asked but he cut in. "You were having a nightmare and I was having trouble sleeping and Rainbow was awake and she used her magic to get into your dreams" he replied.

"You what" I asked, shocked. "I only did it because I was worried, I swear" he replied. "Its fine" I replied as Laxus picked up his coat and we headed out of the hotel room.

Time skip

I walked over to the camp where Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen and Rainbow were sitting and talking.

When we walked over they looked up. "So how was it" Rainbow questioned flying onto my shoulder and looking at my neck to see the mark on my neck.

"They did it" Rainbow shouted at the others. Bickslow gave a smirk, Evergreen nodded her head in approval and Freed also smirked.

I rolled my eyes at their childishness while I walked over and sat down next to Laxus.

3 months later

"Why do we have to take a train again" Laxus asked. "It's the fastest way back to the guild" Freed replied. "Here, allow me" I spoke and changed into my sky form before casting Troia on him and myself.

"I don't understand what you just did" Laxus spoke. "It's Troia. A spell that helps motion sickness" I replied. Laxus just nodded and we all got on to the train.

We walked into the guild hall which was rather empty. Suddenly Mira called me and Laxus over and we stood in front of Master Makarov.

The dark blue haired girl, Mira and the iron dragon slayer stood there too. "You five are going to be our second team in the grand magic games" Master Makarov told us.

"You want me to take part in the games" I asked, a little shocked that I was picked. "If you guys beat our first team then you can get them to do what ever you want for an entire day" the master added.

This really got my interest so I agreed to be apart of the team. We then headed to the train for the trip.

Time skip

I got off the train at Crocus which I remember coming to in the past. "Hey Laxus, how about we have a wander" I asked. He shrugged and we headed off with Rainbow.

It was actually really nice to be walking around and not have to sneak into buildings. In the past I've always snuck in and out of the viewing area using my shadow form to slip past security.

I was looking at all the different banners and flowers when I felt something land on my head.

I felt what had been placed onto my head and found that it was a flower crown. I looked at Rainbow and Laxus who were smiling. Rainbow had a crown on her head and just then placed a crown on Laxus' head.

I laughed when he realised and death glared Rainbow. I looked around and we kept wandering around.

After a while, I spotted a crowd of people in a circle. I didn't listen to what was going on but I noticed that it was Natsu, his cat and the blond haired girl and in the middle of the circle were the guys from the forest.

"Rainbow thinks that she sees Frosch" Rainbow spoke and pointed at the frog cat that was standing next to the marron and pink one while talking with Natsu's cat.

The blond and Rogue were talking with Natsu and the girl. "Now I remember where I've seen them before. That's Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney. The twin dragons of Sabertooth" I spoke.

"Wait those guys are from Sabertooth. Isn't that the number one guild in Fiona at the moment" Laxus asked. "Yeah. A bunch of jerks, if you ask me. I never really liked that guild" I replied.

We watched the conversation until it got quite late and we decided to head for the hotel.

When we reached there, Gajeel, Juvia and Mira were already in the room. Suddenly the building started to shake and we were lifted into the air.

"Welcome to the sky labyrinth

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now