Ch24: The Wedding

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Because I'm lazy and decided to skip a couple of weeks of planning lol.

Laxus' pov

I stood in the changing room, bringing a comb through my hair as Freed and Bickslow dressed up in fancy clothes. I had actually got Bickslow to take off his helmet and put on a pair of glasses,just in case.

I finished my hair as we all walked south into the cathedral, Freed standing next to me. I sighed, knowing this would be harder than a dragon marge as I waited for the wedding to start.

Everyone was taking they're seats and some were a bit more....... Enthusiastic about this then others. I sighed, trying not to put my hands into the pockets of my suit.

I looked around at the different stuff that decorated the cathedral and it changed the setting a lot, especially when  you think that I kinda destroyed some of this place during my battle with Natsu and Gajeel when I was acting like a rebellious teenager.

Suddenly the organ started playing as the doors opened up. Wendy and Rainbow bow came in, throwing flowers all over the pathway. Evergreen was walking after them, being the maid of honour and after her was (Y/N)

I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. She was stunning. She had a white dress on with a dragon pattern on the base of the dress, a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

She reached the top of the stairs and stood in front of me as our eyes locked. I saw a small blush on her face as she handed the flowers to Wendy, Rainbow went and stood next to Freed, holding the rings. I was about to say something when Gramps cleared his throat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Laxus Dreyar and (Y/N) (L/N) matrimony commended to be honourable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solely. Into this- these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together- let them speak now or forever hold the peace" Gramps spoke as everyone listened in silence.

Gramps then gestured to Freed who nodded and did the opening read on as everyone clapped before falling silent once again. Gramps then started to talk about marriage in general as I waited for the part where (Y/N) and I say our vows. Finally the vows were up and it was my turn first. I took a breath and spoke.

"I, Laxus Dreyar, take you (Y/N) (L/N), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part" I spoke confidently.

(Y/n) then took a breath and started to talk. "I, (Y/n) (L/n), take you Laxus Dreyar to be my husband, my partner in life and one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more ach dy than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live" (Y/n) spoke confidently, her eyes closed before opening them to meet mine. Gramps then nodded to Rainbow who gave us the rings as we put them onto each other. 

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Makarov spoke as I pulled (Y/n) into a kiss and everyone cheered.

Time skip

It was the venue now and it was time for the first dance as the two of us got onto the dance floor. I took (Y/n)'s hand in mine as she placed her other hand on my shoulder as the music started to play.

Cold as ice
And more bitter than a december
Winter night
That's how I treated you
And I know that I
I sometimes tend to lose my temper
And I cross the line
Yeah that's the truth

I know it gets hard sometimes
But I could never
Leave your side
No matter what I say

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now,
But I really need you near me to
Keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave I would have left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

All along
I tried to pretend it didn't matter
If I was alone
But deep down I know
If you were gone
For even a day I wouldn't know which way to turn
Cause I'm lost without you

I know it gets hard sometimes
But I could never
Leave your side
No matter what I say

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now,
But I really need you near me to
Keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave I would have left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

I get kind of dark
Let it go too far
I can be obnoxious at times
But try and see my heart
Cause I need you now
So don't let me down
You're the only thing in this world
I would die without

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now,
But I really need you near me to
Keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave I would have left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now,
But I really need you near me to
Keep my mind off the edge
If I wanted to leave I would have left by now
But you're the only one that knows me
Better than I know myself

The song finished and a new song started as some people started to dance as I took (Y/n) outside the guild and into the forest. "So we're now married in the eyes of dragons and humans" She smiled, looking up at the sky as the stars reflected in her (E/c) eyes.

"Yeah but I couldn't care less. No matter how people see us, you'll always be beautiful in my eyes" I told her as she looked at me with a blush. I laughed and put a hand through my hair. "Do you remember how we met" I asked, smiling.

"Of course, I ran into you after breaking some tables in a bar" She replied with a laugh. "Both of us have come a long way" I spoke with a smile, holding onto her hand as we looked up at the sky.

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