Ch14: Jura Vs WHO!!!!

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Our very first match of this year's grand magic games will test the abilities of Fairy Tail B's Zodiac Wielder Lucy Heartfillia against the Crimson intensity, Flare Corona" Chapati announced as the two female's walked onto the battlefield. "So it's blonde who's fighting. This could be interesting" I spoke looking down at the battlefield.

"Things are heating up in the stands as well. Is it true that those two are father and son" Chapati asked. "Yes but I think the fact that they each bare different guild emblems, speaks volumes about they're relationship" Yajama added. "Family drama. How exciting. I'm getting Goosebumps" Jenny added. "Hold on. So that guy is your dad" I asked looking at Laxus. "Yep that's him" Laxus replied plainly. I looked over at Raven Tail's master and frowned. 'So that guy is my father in law" I thought before looking back at the battlefield.

"Competitors, step forward. This entire arena will be your battlefield ladies. Since this is one on one, we've moved the rest of your teammates completely off the field. You have a thirty minute time limit" Mato explained, walking forward. "If you can knock out your opponent or make them forfeit within the time limit you win. I want a good clean fight. Now let's rumble" Mato added as someone hit the gong and the match started.

"Open Gate of the golden bull. Taurus" Blonde yelled as Taurus appeared and swung his axe to hit Flare who jumped into the air and dodged. I just shrugged my shoulders since this magic wasn't all that interesting. "And Lucy Heartfillia opens with a celestial spirit right out of the gate" Chapati yelled. "Open gate of the scorpion, Scorpio" Lucy added as Scorpio appeared. "Wicked. Its a party" he spoke with his arms crossed over. 

"Sand buster" Scorpio yelled, sending a sand tornado at Flare who dodged this attack too. She then extended her hair and set it on fire while laughing creepily. "I don't like her at all and her laugh hurts my ears" I growled, scrunching my face at her laugh. Flare then blocked the sand with her hair. Taurus then started to gather the sand around his axe in a unison raid.

Sand filled the entire arena which affected a lot of people but I turned into my sand form which lowered the power of the attack. "This is not good for my hair" Jenny spoke. "What an attack folks. Not only did she summon two spirits but she combined they're powers. This girl has some skill" Chapati announced. "You could say that again. She wasn't nearly this strong seven years ago. What an improvement" Yajama added as the sand cleared and I changed back to normal. Both of the spirits then disappeared.

Flare was sent into the air before extending her hair while yelling "Hair shower, wolf fang" as a huge wolf was made from her hair. "Open gate of the giant crab, Cancer" Lucy yelled as Cancer appeared and cut her hair before disappearing again. Flare seemed to have gotten really mad and started extending her hair and sent into the ground before it burrowed over to Lucy and grabbed her by the ankles while lifting her into the air and swung her around and around as she screamed. 

"No that's brutal. I defiantly  don't like this chick" I spoke with a snarl. Flare then hit Lucy into the ground while Flare laughed. Lucy then pulled out her whip and grabbed onto Flare's wrist and the two went flying into the air. Flare's hair then started to light up and burn Lucy's ankles as she screamed. Eventually the two let go and both fell to the ground. "Whoa Mama. What a match. These ladies aren't giving the folks a chance to catch they're breath. And neither of them seem ready to back out of this father, son guild battle" Chapati yelled. "Question. Can he shut up. We aren't blind so we don't need a running commentary of what's happening" I growled, getting sick and tired of hearing his voice. "Don't think so" Mira replied while I let out a snarl. "Both ladies went down but no one's gonna give it up" Jenny added. 

Lucy looked like she was hurt as smoke rose from her feet. Lucy then removed the shoes. Flare got even more mad as her hair went crazy and burrowed into the ground but it didn't come back. Lucy looked around, trying to find where the hair was gonna come up. "Something's not right. I can smell it" I growled as the others looked at me, a little confused. She then looked over at Flare, before looking over at the stands where the rest of the guild was. I heard her yell something but couldn't quite make it out as Flare wrapped her hair around Lucy's mouth.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now