Ch10: Making it official

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Be warned. This chapter will involve a lemon. Sorry if it sucks (no pun intended)

(Y/n)'s pov

We got back to camp, a small blush on my face as I recalled the kiss that Laxus gave me. Freed must have noticed because what he said next surprized me. "Hey (Y/n), did you kiss that Rogue guy because your blushing".

This made Laxus mad and I quickly lifted my hands and shook them "no it's not like that" I replied in panic. "Rainbow thinks it was actually Laxus who kissed (Y/n)" Rainbow corrected flying over to one of the logs and sitting down. "Rainbow" both Laxus and I shouted in unison with a huge blush.

"So Laxus actually had the guts to tell you how he feels" Evergreen asked. "Are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend now" Bickslow added. "Boyfriend, girlfriend" his dolls added. Rainbow gave Bickslow a death glare and flicked her tail before turning back to me and Laxus. It was obvious she was still mad at Bickslow for the other day when he kind of called her weak.

"Stop asking questions" Laxus ordered as I sat down next to Rainbow. "Alright we'll just ask Rainbow then" Freed replied with a small grin before turning to the rainbow coloured cat.

"Rainbow thinks that they are gonna make things offical later" Rainbow told everyone. "You heard that" I yelled at the little Exceed. "Rainbow thinks yes" Rainbow replied.

"Screw you Rainbow" Laxus growled. "Did Laxus just say something bad to Rainbow" Rainbow asked in a rhetorical way, death glaring Laxus. "Oh shit" Laxus said, getting ready to run. "Laxus, Rainbow needs to hurt you" Rainbow laughed in a psychotic voice before turning into her Human form and running after Laxus who had took off into the forest.

"I don't know if it was a good idea or a bad idea to add that cat onto our team" Freed pointed out, looking at the forest. "Agreed" Evergreen and Bickslow agreed in unison, "Agreed, Agreed" Bickslow's dolls added . "You know if Rainbow hears this she'll punish you" I told them, raising an eyebrow.

"Good point" the three said in unison before turning to me. "So what did you mean when you said you'd make it offical later" Freed asked.

"Are you guys still on that topic" I asked annoyed. "Yes" all 3 of them replied. "Yes, yes" the dolls added. "Ugh, fine I meant that we could mark each other" I answered getting annoyed with their constant questions.

I could see all of them were confused so I decided to explain "Its a thing dragons and dragon slayers do, when they find a mate, they leave a mark on said mate by bitting into a certain area on the neck and that mark can not be broke since dragons and dragon slayers can only have one potentual mate in their life" I explained.

Laxus then came back holding Rainbow by the scruff of her neck but her fur was all fluffed up and she had her paws crossed and was in her normal form again. "Eh what did the two of you do" I asked. "Lets just say I got Rainbow shocked with lightning ok" Laxus replied.

That night (lemon alert)

Laxus' pov

(Y/n) and I had rented a room in the village for the night. I placed my bag on the ground before taking my coat off and placed it on the back of a chair. I looked over at (Y/n) who was sitting on the bed waiting for me.

I gave a smile and walked over and sat down next to her before kicking my shoes off. She gave me a smirk when she looked at me and suddenly she pushed me down onto the bed with her on top.

"So you wanna play like that do you" I asked with a smirk forming on my face as she looked back with a simular smirk on her face. She then closed the gab between our lips by kissing me as I put my hand up the back of her top before we pulled away, using my other hand I slowly took her leather waistcoat off and threw it onto the ground.

"Oh, so you wanna start do you" she asked with a seductive voice as I started to pull her top off and threw that onto the ground. She then started to unbutton my shirt and took that off and threw that on the ground.

I looked right into her (e/c) eyes before starting to unbuckle her bra from the back. Once I had unbuckled her bra, I started to masage one of her breast's as she let out a moan. This turned me on more then I already was as I kept doing what I was doing.

I then went up to her collarbone as she moved her head to give me access to her neck. I let her scent drift into my nose before finding the spot and bit down on that spot. HARD. I see (Y/n) close her eyes as I start to nibble on her neck where I left my mark.

After a couple of minutes of nibbling her neck, I go back to massaging one of her breast's and I suck on the other as she lets out a moan of pleasure.

(Y/n) then looks up at me and pushes me onto my back and takes my trousers and underwear off before grabbing onto my dick and massaging it then started to suck on it.

I let out a moan of pleasure before she then goes and bites onto my collarbone. HARD. (Y/n) then licked up the blood from the bite where she had left her mark.

When she looked backed away from my neck I grabbed onto the belt that held her jeans up and unbuckled it before pulling her jeans down.

I then pinned her to the bed and smirked as I inserted my dick into her pussy. I started to grunt while she moaned. "Laxus, faster" she asked. I did as she said then went even faster.

After a couple of minutes I collapsed onto the bed next to her panting. Not long after we had finished (Y/n) had fallen asleep so I just pulled her into my chest and fell asleep.

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