Ch15: Chariot

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Laxus' Pov

"Its day two of the grand magic games and the stands are exploding with excitement. Joining me once again is Mr Yajama and our new special guest, Sorcerer Weekly's Jason" the announcer called as the crowd cheered. "So cool" Jason yelled. "Let's get back to the action already in process as our wizards take on the chariots" He spoke once again as I looked at the Lacrima screens. 

"The point of this game is to reach the final goal without falling off, simple right. Wrong. The chariots are constantly in motion and although its at a snail's pace. One false move could cost you" He added. I zoned out for a bit before starting to listen again.

"Uh oh. I don't know what's going on with Fairy Tail A's Natsu but he can barely put one foot in front of the other" Chapati pointed out as Natsu was struggling to move forward. "But's that's not all. Mere feet away are Fairy Tail B's Gajeel and Sabertooth's Sting who seem to be in the same boat. "If I'd gone out there then I could have just cast Troia on myself" (Y/n) spoke as we watched.

"I cant imagine what could be causing them to slow down like this" Chapati announced. "I could be wrong but I'd say they share a common weakness for moving vehicles" Yajama added. "Now let's take a look at the group leading the pack. This race is as neck a neck as it gets folks. At the front is Black Snake from Raven Tail. Followed closely by Blue Pegasus' Ichiya, Lamia Scale's Yuka and Mermaid Heel's Risley" Chapati announced as I watch everyone competing in boredom.

"Coming in behind them is Quattro Cerberus' reserve member Bacchus" He added as Bacchus ran drunkenly across the chariots. Yuka then used his magic to push himself forward as Risley ran along the side. "There it is. Risley's Gravity change magic. She dodged Yuka's wave and is now making her way towards the leader" Chapati announced again. 

"Bored" (Y/n) stated plainly. "Your always bored, what's the catch" Juvia asked. "There isn't a catch. This is just boring and the metal monster isn't doing what he said he would last night" (Y/n) replied. "No she's right this is boring" I added, still looking at the match. Ichiya then put two test tubes in his nose and rushed past Yuka and towards the front. "Yeah I just want to punch that guy right in the face and then kick him in his special place" (Y/n) explained as she stared at Ichiya. "You don't have to be so violent" Mira laughed. "Coming from the she-devil herself" (Y/n) replied. 

Bacchus then stomped down on the chariots really hard as the sections in front of him went up and Yuka, Ichiya and Risley went flying into the air. "I don't believe it. Bacchus demolished the chariots with brute force" Chapati spoke again as the crowd cheered. Bacchus then ran ahead like a normal person so he obviously wasn't drunk anymore. 

"What happened to Risley" Chapati asked. "A gravity change. So cool" Jason added. Bacchus had now over taken Black snake and was now in the lead and running at a fast speed and was the first one to cross the finishing line. 

"We have a winner" Chapati yelled as a bell rang and as the crowd cheered. "Quattro Cerberus scores ten points" Chapati yelled again. "In second place is Raven Tail's Black snake. Risley's in third. Yuka takes fourth and Ichiya comes in fifth. That just leaves a three way battle for last place" Chapati announced as all the Lacrimas went to the Natsu, Gajeel and that Sting guy. 

Gajeel and Sting were having some sort of conversation before Gajeel tried to ram into Natsu and Sting but it came out terribly. "Seriously. This is what we have to watch. Three dragon slayers struggling against motion sickness" (Y/n) growled and rolled her eyes while the crowd just laughed. 

"Does it affect too Laxus" Mira asked us while leaning on the edge of the stone walls. "Just don't let Natsu know. I'll never live it down" I replied plainly. "I probably wouldn't have admitted that if I were you" Juvia replied. "What about you (Y/n)" Mira asked, turning to (Y/n). "I do get it but I can use my sky form and heal myself easily. My magic is leagues above the sky dragon slayer. I'm able to heal myself straight away if I'm in my sky form which means I can also cast Troia on myself" (Y/n) replied.

Gajeel and Natsu were now moving forward and the three started to talk 
(Bold is Natsu, Italics is Sting and Underline is Gajeel)

"Fine... I'll give it to you. This victory. We'll continue to win after this, just 1 or 2 measly points, we can do without"

"Don't go crying about that 1 point later, you Blondie"

"Can I just ask you one thin? Why did you guys enter the games? This would have been unthinkable for the Fairy Tail of the past. Worrying about the strength of the guild, or worldly things like this... The Fairy Tail I know... well...How to say it....does things at its own pace. Without worrying about how others might think"

"Its for our comrades
For 7 years...
They were waiting for us...
No matter how tough it was...
No matter how sad...
Even if they were made fools of, they endured and endured...
And protected the guild...
For our comrades

Natsu and Gajeel then got across the finishing line, Natsu in 6th place and Gajeel in 7th. I watched as the two left the field and so did Sting. I was still mad at that flirty pervert for flirting with (Y/n) but hopefully revenge would come to that Fucking cocky bastard.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now