Ch26: The First Trimester

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Week 5

(Y/n) lay in bed with Laxus' arms wrapped around her. He had his face snuggled into the crook of her neck as he took in the scent of his mate. The sun had long since set and the moon was high in the sky indicating that it was midnight.

Rainbow lay curled up in a small bed at one side of the room, her small figure hard to make out in the darkness. In fact the only indication that she wasn't a pillow was the rising and falling of her sides.

The room was filled with shadows, the only light coming from cracks in the curtains that were caused by the moon. The entire house was silent as no noise was coming from any rooms except the occasional sound of the wind or birds making noise from outside.

Everything was still until (Y/n) felt a sudden sickly feeling in her stomach. Her eyes flashed open as she turned into her shadow form and turned 8nti a shadow, heading for the bathroom.

Laxus sat up, rubbing sleep out of his eyes as he looked towards the open door of the adjoining bathroom as (Y/n) threw up into the toilet. He swung his legs over the side of the double bed before walking into the bathroom.

"Are you all right" he asked with concern as he looked at the (h/c) haired dragon slayer. "Oh because me throwing up in the toilet is a sign of me being fine" she hissed sarcastically before throwing up in the toilet again.

The lightning dragon slayer sighed and bent over, holding her (h/l) hair back with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. Surprisingly Rainbow didn't wake up at this noise as Laxus and (Y/n) stayed in the bathroom for a while until the morning sickness was finished

Week 6

(Y/n) sat in the guild hall, her head flat on the bar counter as she sighed. "What's wrong with you" Mira asked, drying off a cup as she looked at the frustrated dragon slayer. "The baby is the problem. This stupid morning sickness is horrible. Its totally random and I basically throw up my last meal" she replied, with another frustrated sigh.

"Well just a few more weeks till the morning sickness is gone, right" Mira replied with a smile. (Y/n) just planted her face into the counter with an annoyed groan. "Hey (Y/n), fight me" Natsu yelled as he got up, setting his fists on fire. "Natsu, you idiot. Don't do that. She isn't supposed to fight right now" Lucy yelled but Natsu didn't listen.

He got prepared to attack but in the speed of light, Laxus, Rainbow who was in her human form and the thunder legion were already standing there, ready to punch his face in.

"Natsu, you better not be harassing (Y/n)" Erza growled as Natsu started sweat dropping. "No ma'am" Natsu called and went back to sitting down at the table with Lucy, Gray, Happy, Wendy and Carla. Laxus spun on his heels and started checking (Y/n) over to see if she was hurt as the thunder legion and Rainbow stood guard nearby.

"I still don't understand the fuss. Why can't she fight" Natsu whined as Laxus growled lightly. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and gave Laxus a kiss on the forehead to calm him down as he sighed before sitting down on a bar stool next to the female. (Y/n) rolled her eyes before going back to sighing.

Week 7

axus walked into the living room before ducking as a thick, hard back book was thrown his way. He turned to look at the book which hit the wall. "I'm not sure if I want to know what that book did" Laxus asked, turning to face (Y/n) who was sitting at a desk with a pile of books, a note pad and a pen.

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