Ch13: Hidden

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Laxus' pov

All the teams had been announced and we were now onto the first event which was called hidden.

"The first challenger has stepped forward. Representing Quattro Cerberus is Yeager

From Mermaid Heel, the Adorable Beth Vanderwood

From Raven Tail, Nalpudding

Blue Pegasus sends out Eve Tearm. Gotta live this lively cheers

Keep your eyes on this one folks, from Sabertooth. The minstrel who sings to the red moon, Rufus Lore

From Lamina Scale, Lyon Vastia

From Fairy Tail Team A. The icy Gray Fullbuster

From Fairy Tail Team B. Juvia Locksar

The competitors have been chosen and the long wait is finally over. Grab a refreshment and get glued to your seat because your not gonna want to miss a single nail bitting moment of hidden" The announcer yelled as we headed to our separate sections.

I looked down at the match and saw that all 8 competitors had been separated from each other in a huge city in the middle of the arena and a bunch of lacrima screens appeared for us to watch the event with one person on each lacrima screen.

Then a bunch of look a likes of everyone competing appeared. "What the heck is with the copy's" I asked no one as I watched everyone run off looking for their opponents. "I think it's part of the game" (Y/n) replied, looking at the screen as well.

Juvia being the idiot she is hugged onto one of the clones of Gray which counted as attacking and so right of the bat our team had negative points. "What an idiot" Gajeel spoke "This could prove to be a little bit of an issue for poor Juvia" Mira added "We wouldn't be having this problem if I were playing the game" I added. "Why couldn't I have just gone out there. I'm strong and I would be able to track them way better.

Gray ran down one of the streets until he bumped into the guy from Raven Tail called Nalpudding. They talked for a little until Gray attacked Nalpudding with his "Ice hammer" but he was fooled by Nalpudding and instead he hit a clone and the real Nalpudding walked over. "Wait so you can actually fool people with clones" (Y/n) asked, a little interested.

After Gray was teleported and walked around a little, he was then found again by Nalpudding before getting hit by the troll like guy and having to be put in another area.

Gray was walking around when a bunch of carrots were shot at him as someone yelled "Carrot Missal" but Gray dodged. Just then when that Beth girl came out of the hole in the ground she had made, a giant plant hit her to show the Quattro Cerberus guy.

Lyon then attacked Yeager who got taken out.

Lyon stood their looking at Gray before Juvia jumped of a building heading for Lyon and hit him with a two legged kick

Juvia then turned to Gray and they started talking about the punishment game. Nalpudding then came along and attacked both of them gaining two points for Raven Tail.

It then started to snow over the arena. "Oh would you look at this. Our city is turning into a winter wonderland" the announcer spoke. "That's gotta be Eve" Jenny spoke. "Ugh if I was down there then I would have already gotten us points" (Y/n) complained, seeming to get bored in the game.

Eve then attacked, hitting Beth, Yeager and Nalpudding with his snow magic after seeing them shiver and the steam from they're breath.

"Eve declares a flurry of points" Chapati yelled through the announcer. Then some ice birds came shooting towards Eve and hit him as Lyon came forward. "And the ice wizard enters with a storm of his creation" Chapati commented. "Boring" (Y/n) spoke.

"How is this boring dragon girl" Gajeel asked. "I want to see more action, this isn't very action packed" she replied. I looked back at the games. Lots of different fights went on and Nalpudding targeted Gray once again.

"We're still yet to see any movement on the board for Rufus of the Sabertooth guild. He hasn't lost any points but he hasn't scored any either" Chapati spoke.

Then I spotted the Sabertooth guy. He was perched in top of a building. "Wait there he is" Chapati yelled as Rufus spike that the game was boring. "Told you" (Y/n) spoke up with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Memory Make" Rufus started as he put his hands to his head and the sky started to become like a night's sky and those who were the real deal started to glow. "Night of shooting stars" he yelled as 7 bright lightning based attacks shot out and hit everyone except Nalpudding who dodged and went to attack Rufus but missed as he disappeared then reappeared and hit Nalpudding with an attack and then the game finished.

Everyone exited the arena as I just stared at the area waiting for what was next.
Sorry it took so long but I was at a sleepover with a friend and only got back a little before 6 so yeah but I still finished this so yeah and enjoy

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now