Ch29: Rose Meets The Guild

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(Y/n)'s pov

I walked towards the guild hall, Rose in my arms as she giggled happily, fiddling about with the necklace that I received from Celest. I smiled down at her as she tried to out it in her mouth but I stopped her incase she had my magic and broke it or she just chocked on it.

She looked up at me with her (E/c) eyes before sneezing in a cute way. I ruffled her hair as she looked back up at me. We walked up to the guild hall as I pushed the door open to be greeted with a Fucking table. I ducked as the table tumbled down into the streets of Magnolia, yells following it.

I narrowed my eyes and flared at the people in the guild. Natsu and Gray who were the ones fighting looked at me and gave me sheepish smiles once they noticed Rose in the baby harness. "Don't kill us please" they both begged and went to hide as attention was drawn to me.

Instantly Erza was in front of me and cooing over Rose who blinked in confusion. She looked back up at me with a confused look. I smiled and placed her gently on one of the tables as the others were having a look and saying how cute she was and stuff.

Rose was currently wearing a pair of leggings and a top with a mini version of Laxus' coat. She seemed to be enjoying the attention as she looked around with a bit of a tilted head. Laxus walked over and sat down next to me, one arm over my shoulder when a voice could be heard. "Is that my great granddaughter" they called.

Everyone instantly cleared a path as Makarov walked forward and started looking at Rose. "First girl that was born into the family. Nice one Laxus" Makarov complemented, picking up Rose and tickling her as she giggled. "He really knows kids" I whispered to Laxus who commented.

???'s pov

I watched as everyone was crowding around the small blond and (H/c) haired girl as a smirk formed on my face. "She'll be perfect" I smirked, remaining in the shadows of the guild's roof. "You may have foiled my plans before but not this time" I smirked, glaring down at the baby.


(Y/n)'s pov

I was talking with the others about a few things when I heard a scream. I turned around and saw that Rainbow was panicking and instantly knew something bad had happened. "Rainbow. What's wrong" I asked in a worried voice. "Rose is gone. I can't find her" Rainbow replied in shock.

"We need to find her Laxus yelled before rushing out of the guild. I closely followed but couldn't pick up on any scents due to all the people that were walking around. I felt my heart sink at the fact that I had just lost my own daughter. What kind of mother am I if I can't even take care of my own daughter.

I felt tears threatening to fall when Laxus pulled me into a hug. "It's all right. It's not your fault. We'll find Rose" Laxus promised. I nodded, wiping tears from my eyes.

Sorry it's short. I'm slipping but I will try to make this longer next chapter. Also warning. Next chapter is the last one before the epilogue.

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