Ch9: Flashing Through Memories

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Laxus' pov

I sat on the ground near the fire with my back leaned against the log. For some reason I couldn't sleep so I decided that I would keep watch.

After a while, I looked over at (Y/n)and couldn't help but stare. She was so pretty especially when she slept.

Suddenly I felt something soft tap on my arm. I looked down to see Rainbow looking up at me with her odd coloured eyes.

"Rainbow, why are you awake" I asked the Exceed.

"Rainbow wasn't able to sleep" she replied with a flick of her tail.

I looked at the little Exceed before resting my gaze back onto (Y/n) who was fidgiting like she was having a nightmare.

"Hey Laxus" Rainbow spoke to get my attention. "Yeah, what is it" I asked the Exceed.

"Rainbow asks if you are you worried about (Y/n)" she asked. My eyes widened at this statement before answering.

"Well yeah, I mean I care for her so I just want her to be alright that's all" I replied to the cat, a little nervous.

"What would you say if Rainbow could show you her memories" Rainbow asked. "That's impossible" I told her, pushing myself off of the log.

"Rainbow thinks Not impossible, just challenging, so what do you say" Rainbow asked. "Alright, if you can do that" I agreed.

Rainbow quickly turned into her human form and gestured for me to stand on my feet.

Rainbow then placed her paws or hands against her head and said "memory make: memory view."

Suddenly everything went black and I had to blink a few times for my eyes to adjust.

Although that proved pointless because it became light after a few seconds and we were in a forest.

"Where are we" I asked looking around. The forest looked similar to the one we were at.

"Rainbow and Laxus are in (Y/n)'s memories" Rainbow replied. Not long after she told me that, two dragons crashed into the ground in front of us sending dust everywhere and causing a huge gust of wind. 

One of the dragons was a beautiful white dragon with differnt coloured markings on its scales and bright yellow eyes while the other one was.............. "Acnologia" I yelled close to the top of my lungs.

"Rainbow asks if You know those dragons" Rainbow asked as she looked at me. "I know the black and blue dragon, he tried to destroy tenrou island with everyone still on it" I replied.

"Celest" a small and soft voice called out. I looked over to see the source of this voice and saw a younger version of (Y/n).

"Run my dear, I'll hold him off"the dragon known as Celest told (Y/n) as Acnologia dug its claws into celest's chest.

"No I can help you" (Y/n) replied then added "blood death dragon form" turning into the same form she used to take out all of that dark guild.

"(Y/n) no, don't do it" Celest yelled trying to get (Y/n) to stop.

"Roar of the blood death dragon" she called sending her roar at Acnologia but he just shrugged it off and swung one of his claws at (Y/n) and sent her into a tree as she screamed out in pain.

Acnologia then turned back to the dragon he was fighting and dug his claws into her neck then removed them as blood poured from Celest's neck

I stood in shock at the image before me before evrything went black and once again it became bright but this time Acnologia was gone and (Y/n) was scrambling over to her dragon with tears in her eyes.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now