Ch17: Pandomoniam and MPF

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Laxus' Pov

I stood in the stands as I watched the event take place. I was only really interested in it because (Y/n) was taking part and I felt like she was going to be doing what she does best. Kicking someone's Fucking Ass.

"Welcome to day 3 of the grand magic games. That puts us at the half way point" Chapati announced. "How are we going to top the dramatic fights and eye candy of the last two days" Yajama added. "I personally will be on my best behaviour around today's guest, from the magic council its Marshal Lahar" Chapati spoke. "Its been quite a while" Yajama added. 

They continued to talk before the competitors had to draw straws to decide which order they would be going in after the rules had been explained. Erza pulled the first straw while (Y/n) pulled the 8th straw.

Erza came up and challenged all 100 of the monsters as the audience, the competitors and the announcers were in complete shock. Erza walked in and announced how many monsters she wanted to face as a ton of them came racing towards her. 

"I wouldn't be taking on that many at once" Juvia spoke. "She'll get through it somehow" Gajeel added as Mira waved happily. "That's the spirit, just relax and watch her go to work" I added. 

Erza requipped into her heavens wheel armour and struck some of the monsters before standing on top of a perch and sent many swords towards the monsters. Erza then changed into her black wing armour and took down some of the D class monsters.

Another monster then shot a fire attack at Erza but she requipped into her Flame empress armour which weakened the blow before summoning the sword from her sea empress armour and put out the next flame attack.

She then took out a bunch of the C class monsters with that combo. Some of the D class monsters attacked and Erza added the sword from her fire empress armour to the mix. 

A monster then came and attacked as she requipped into her sea empress armour but used the weapon from her lightning empress armour. One monster hit her into a wall but changed into her flight armour and took out a bunch of C class monsters with the sword from her Purgatory armour.

Erza then summoned her sea empress armour sword and her lightning empress sword and attacked even more monsters before getting hit into a wall. She continued to defeat the monsters before an A class monster attacked and hit her into the ground.

However Erza used her Adamantine armour and the sword from her giant armour and used the monsters strength against it. She continued to requip into different armours and beat each monster until only the S-class monster was left. 

She got into a heated battle with the S-class monster and beat it before raising her sword as a sign of her victory as everyone cheered.

Since there was nothing for the other competitors to compete in they brought out an MPF as everyone had to attack it with they're magic. I looked down and saw Hibiki trying to flirt with (Y/n) but he jut received a punch in the face in response. 

Millianna attacked the MPF and scored a total of 365 as she got really happy about her score. The guy from Quattro Puppy scored 124 points as the everyone seemed a little shocked. Hibiki scored 95 points. 'That's karma for flirting with my girl' I thought in my head with a smirk.

The next competitor to come up was Obra from Raven Tail. He walked up and this little creature leapt and scored only 4 points which surprized the audience. The next guy up was Orga from Sabertooth. He did a huge attack and 3825 points as everyone looked at it in shock.

I smirked before the guy started singing which kind of hurt my ears. Jura was the next one to step forward. He did a super powerful attack. He then scored 8544 points as everyone freaked out about the score.

It was finally (Y/n)'s turn and the crowd went hushed again. "Now is the last competitor. This should be interesting since she was able to give us a good fight against Jura so I wonder what she has in store for us this time" Chapati yelled.

No one's Pov

(Y/n) stood forward and smirked before changing her into her all element form. Her hair become an array of colours and she was wearing an armour made up of dragon scales with a sword that was made out of dragon scales as well.

Suddenly the golden yellow dragon shaped mark on her neck started to glow as a huge amount of power surrounded her.

"Laxus, why is your neck glowing" Juvia asked as Laxus looked down at the multi-coloured dragon shaped mark that was glowing on his neck. "NO WAY, SHE CAN ACTUALLY DO THAT SPELL!!!!" Gajeel yelled in disbelief as the others looked at him in confusion.

"What's this. I've never seen anything like it" Chapati spoke in shock. "No way. You mean she found her mate" Natsu asked. "What are you talking about" Lucy asked as Erza, Gray and Lucy looked at Natsu.

"Its an ancient spell only dragon slayers can use but its not available to dragon slayers who haven't found they're mate" Wendy replied.

"No way you mean that girl can actually use the ancient dragon spell" Sting asked in disbelief. "I thought that spell was just a made up story" Rogue added. "Fro is confused, what is that spell" Frosch asked. "A spell that is accessed by a dragon slayer once they have marked they're mate" Rogue explained as he looked at the arena.

"Strange I cant seem to memorize it" Rufus spoke out. "That's because only dragon slayers of any generation can use it and they're mates of course" Sting replied. "Whoa, that's a lot of power" Happy spoke. "Go (Y/n), Rainbow is cheering for you" Rainbow called in her high pitched voice. 

"First master do you know what that spell is" Makarov asked, turning to face the first master. "Yes this spell is the ancient Doragonmeito spell. A spell that dragons and dragon slayers can use after finding they're mates. The mates can use the spell too even if they rent dragon slayers but this is a rare experience. I've never seen the spell in person" Mavis explained. 

"I wielder of all dragon slayer elements fuse my power with that of the lightning dragon slayer. Elemental lightning storm" (Y/n) yelled as the attack hit the MPF. Once the dust cleared, the MPF had broken and the numbers 1000000000000 were in its place as everyone cheered and (Y/n) and yelled that Fairy Tail was coming back.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now