Ch30: Saving Rose

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Laxus' pov

I sat in the guild hall as (Y/n) paced. It had been nearly a week since Rose had been taken and neither (Y/n) nor myself was able to sleep. Both of us were too worried about her and why wouldn't we. She isn't even 2 months old. She's way too young to be out I'm the world with some random stranger.

The entire guild had been helping us look for her but no one was able to find a single thing. Abruptly, the guild doors slammed open, almost breaking off the hinges. Rainbow stood there in her human form, one hand leaned against the doorway before she ran over. "Rainbow has found something" she explained as both (Y/n) and myself turned to face her. "Explain everything" I ordered while Rainbow nodded.

"Rainbow was walking through the the trees before coming across a tall male with dark black hair and a beard. He was talking about something to do with Fairy Tail and was holding Rose" Rainbow explained. "Wait did you say dark black hair with a beard" Makarov asked, looking up with shock in his eye. Who this was suddenly clicked with me after Makarov spoke.

"You mean that Ivan was the one who Took Rose" I growled, lightning covering my entire body as many hid under tables in fear. "That jerk. I should have known he wasn't done with us yet" Makarov hissed in annoyance. "Ivan. That's the guy you fought in the grand magic games isn't it" (Y/n) asked, turning to me. "Yes and he's the one who stole Rose" I replied.

"Ok. I'm sending a group to go get Rose. Laxus, (Y/n). Take the thunder legion and Rainbow and go after them" Makarov ordered. We all agreed and headed out, preparing to go up against Ivan and his guild.


We finally arrived at massive guild Hall surrounded by after a long time of walking. "How did you know where this place was Laxus" Evergreen asked, looking up at the guild hall that was perched on top of the rocks. "Ivan told me about it once. Even though I was about a teenager I still remember where he said it was" I replied before walking up to the door.

I applied pressure to the door and it didn't seem too hard since the door just creaked open. "Rainbow thinks that Ivan has something planned" Rainbow explained as we all stepped into the guild hall. "Right you are kitty" an all too familiar voice spoke as we all turned to the steps that led higher into the guild hall.

Standing there was Ivan and in his grasp was non other than (Y/n) and my self's daughter. "Rose" (Y/n) yelled, spotting the small infant in my father's clutches. "Give us back Rose and you won't be harmed" I growled. "What's wrong. Am I not allowed to see my own granddaughter" Ivan asked in an innocent voice. "Not when your evil enough to destroy her rightful guild and kidnap her" (Y/n) growled, stepping forward. "I won't stand for you kidnapping my daughter" she added before light surrounded her. "White dragon form" she yelled as her hair turned pure white and she was now wearing a white shirt with a pale white skirt and matching boots.

She ran forward, her fist glowing a bright white colour before going to punch Ivan who then dodged the attack before delivering a swift blow to (Y/n)'s neck, a slight crack being heard from the impact as I felt pain in the back of my neck. She staggered back and fell down the stairs.

I quickly caught her before she hit the ground and looked at her. She had turned into her sky form and was currently healing herself since a blue glow was surrounding her neck. "Yes. You picked a fine girl to be the mother of your child. Strong, intelligent. She could handle herself pretty well in a fight with that form ability she has" Ivan smirked.

"You aren't going to get away with kidnapping Laxus' and (Y/n) 's daughter" Freed finally spoke up, pointing his a unsheathed sword at Ivan. "You really think you scare me" Ivan chuckled in reply. "You ain't taken Rose. She's part of Fairy Tail. She doesn't belong to you" Bickslow retorted. "Yeah. Yeah" his babies added. "Scum like you doesn't deserve such a beautiful young lady" Evergreen added, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

I stood up and smirked. "What are you going to do now. It's 6 against 1" I pointed out while Ivan just narrowed his eyes. "I'm not just going to surrender" Ivan replied. I looked at the others who nodded before walking to stand next to me and (Y/n) who was getting up onto her feet. All of us started to build up magic energy before finally attacking.

"Dark écriture"
"Fairy machine gun"
"Baryon formation"
"Memory make: Night of falling stars"
"Lightning dragon roar"
"Celestial dragon roar"

All of our attacks combined into one and went to Ivan as Freed quickly managed to get Rose before the attack hit. Ivan was sent back into the wall and fell onto the floor as Freed handed Rose to (Y/n). "Oh Rose. I'm so glad your safe" she coed, cradling the infant in her arms who tried to reach up to her mother's face with her tiny hands.

I smiled down at her before the 6 of us headed back to the guild to let everyone know that we got Rose back.


Let's just say that when we got back. Makarov had the guild throw a massive party to celebrate Rose's return. Rose of course had no idea what was going on but was definitely enjoying the attention from guild members during the party. Of course (Y/n) and I never left Rose's side during the entire party, even if people tried to encourage us. But I didn't care. I was with my wife and daughter and I couldn't be happier.

Electrifying Love(A Laxus x reader) Where stories live. Discover now