Ch19: Navel Battle

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(Y/n)'s pov

I stood in the Fairy Tail B stand as all the participants for the first round entered the huge ball of water in the middle of the arena.

"And.... We've started day 4's game part" Chapati said. "It almost seems like a water sumo match" Yadama added. "It looks fun. Thank you very much" today's guest Rabian finished.

"Team after team are diving right in" Chapati said then followed up with who was competing.

"From Lamia Scale is Shelia Blendy

From Blue Pegasus is Jenny Realight

From Mermaid Heel is Risley Law

From Fairy Tail B is Juvia Lockser

From Sabertooth is Minerva Orland

From Fairy Tail A is Lucy Heartfillia

And from Quattro Puppy is Rocker"

Once everyone had been introduced the gong was hit and the battle begun.

"Open gate of the water barer Aquarius" Lucy yelled as Aquarius came from the gate and attacked all the other girls with a huge water attack.

Juvia countered with her "Water Cyclone" and the two battled while Jenny took Rocker out of the picture with a single kick. "Well now its all girls" I commented as Rocker landed out of the orb while Laxus just watched.

Shelia tried to take Risley out but she dodged and used her magic to slim down as tons of guys had hearts in their eyes.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the battle. I wasn't sure if I should cheer for Minerva or if I should cheer for Lucy and Juvia so I just stayed silent.

Aquarius had vanished because she had a date with some guy called Scorpio. 'Did that Fish seriously just abandoned her wizard' I thought.

Juvia came in and attacked Lucy while she was open and she almost fell out of the bubble of water but then she yelled "open gate of the maiden Virgo and Gate of the ramb Aries."

That's when Aries and Virgo appeared and made a wall of wool and caught Lucy, stopping her from falling out.

Juvia then used an attack that featured her love for Gray and this shocked Gray and made him shout "Quit it" as he looked really annoyed about it.

This attack knocked Jenny, Risley and Shelia out of the bubble leaving Minerva, Juvia and Lucy still in the event.

Juvia looked over to Gray to see him with a shocked face before being shocked herself.

Suddenly Juvia was somehow out of the bubble and fell to the ground leaving Minerva and Lucy left in the bubble.

A bubble of light glowed on Minerva's hand and a similar ball of light appeared next to Lucy before exploding.

Another one exploded above Lucy before she reached for her keys but Minerva had taken them and was now holding them up with a smile on her face.

A third explosion came in front of Lucy and sent her flying towards he edge but she suddenly had an explosion behind her which sent her back in then Minerva sent multiple explosions her way.

Minerva then sent a huge explosion at Lucy who screamed in pain then went heading for the edge again but was suddenly teleported back to Minerva who kicked her. 

"STOP ITTTTTTT!" Natsu yelled. I looked over at the Sabertooth stand Sting, Rufus and Orga smiled as if they were enjoying what was going on and Minerva laughed before hanging Lucy outside of the bubble by her neck.

Minerva then dropped Lucy as Natsu and Gray caught her and then carried her to the infirmary.

Time skip 

I stood in the infirmary and watched as Lucy woke up with the others. Happy gave Lucy her keys as she held onto them and went back to sleep. 

Makarov then walked in and explained that we needed to make a new team and only get to keep the points of team A. "The five members of the team need to be chosen wisely however, so I need to be careful" Makarov told us.

Time skip 

No one's Pov

Chapati announced the new Fairy Tail team as the five members walked out. It was Natsu, Gajeel, Erza, Laxus and (Y/n).

The crowd cheered as the battles begun. It was Blue Pegasus Vs Quattro Puppy and Blue Pegasus won. Then it was Mermaid Heel Vs Lamia Scale and it was a draw. Then it was the last battle which was Sabertooth vs Fairy tail.

"The next battle is .................................."

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