Ch16: A Battles in bikini's

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(Y/n)'s pov 

The gong rang as the first battle of the day begun. "Ultra poison nails: Mega mega Jellyfish" Toby yelled as he went to attack Blacksnake. He then swiped at Blacksnake with his long green claws but Blacksnake dodged the attacks. He leapt back very far and skidded on the ground before turning into sand and disappearing. 

"The sand trick huh. Interesting" I spoke as I watched. Toby seemed shocked before he got hit by Blacksnake and let out a noise that sounded like a puppy that had just been kicked. Blacksnake then formed again as he looked back at Toby with a smirk. 

They then started talking about they're power and then about how Blacksnake wasn't his real name which made Toby mad and he went for another attack. Toby then had Blacksnake make a deal that if he won then Blacksnake would tell him his real name. Toby then said that if Blacksnake won then he would tell him his super special secret. 

'This is weird' I thought as I watched the battle. "Our competitors seem to have struck a friendly wager" Chapati announced. "Cool" Jason added as he freaked out in the stands. Dust covered the arena and when it cleared, Toby had been defeated. 

"The dust has settled and we can clearly see Toby on the ground" Chapati announced as the bell rang. "That's it folks, Blacksnake slides away with another win for Raven Tail" Chapati added as the crowd cheered. "Look at the scoreboard and you'll see Raven Tail fiercely climbing to the top. Now with 36 points" he mentioned as the crowd kept cheering. "And Lamia Scale at 20" Yajama added while Jason just screamed.

Blacksnake then got Toby to tell him his secret and he explained how his secret was that he had lost one of his socks. Blacksnake then pointed at his chest while Toby was crying. Toby looked and 'found' his sock as he cried over finding his sock. 

"Have you ever seen anything like this" Chapati asked. "Thankfully No" Yajama replied. "Such emotion. What an ending" Jason yelled. Blacksnake then offered a hand to Toby. "What is this. After fighting fang and claw these two going to shake hands" Chapati asked as Toby lifted his hand to grab onto Blacksnake's.

Blacksnake then grabbed the sock off of Toby's neck and tore it into pieces. "Guess not" Chapati added as Toby cried more while shaking his head. Chapati spoke something as Toby hit the ground with one hand and cried while Blacksnake walked away.

"Let's move on to round 2 in today's head to head battles. First from Quattro Cerberus, its the god of wine Bacchus fighting a member of team Fairy Tail A" Chapati announced. "Fight. Someone avenge me. I don't care who it is" Cana yelled as Gajeel tried to hold down one of her arms. Laxus looked at her with a bit of a blank expression while Mira laughed and Juvia just looked at Cana. I just rolled my eyes. "Oh my relax Cana" Mira tried to calm Cana down. "I'm sure that Gray could get the job done" Juvia added. 

"Elfman Strauss" Chapati yelled. "Its Elfman's turn" Mira asked. Bacchus then made a bet with Elfman that if he won then he'd get to spend the night with both Mira and Lisanna. "Scumbag" Cana growled as I just gritted my teeth, trying not to lash out. 

A large cloud of smoke came from behind one of the stands I changed to my shadow form and went to check it out. I sped through the corridors, finally reaching the area that the explosion had come from. I came out of the shadows and went for an attack on one of the guys I saw. "Shadow dragon slash" I yelled and hit the guy right in the chest as he coughed out some blood that was stained black. I smirked as he pulled out some sort of gun and shot it as the bullet slashed a wound into my left check. I started to get shadows to swirl around my hands and yelled "Shadow dragon waxwing flash" and sent the guy flying using a swirl of shadows.  I looked towards Natsu who had beaten the other 2 up as Carla, Wendy and Porlyusica started to wake up.

"(Y/n) what are you doing here" he asked as I changed back to normal. "I saw an explosion and came to check it out I replied. I then turned to Porlyusica, Wendy and Carla as they started to get up. "Are you ok" I asked looking at them. "(Y/n), Natsu. You guys saved us" Wendy spoke as she ran and unbraced me in a hug as I patted her head. I was fine with Wendy and not just because she's a female dragon slayer like I am but also because she is just so sweet and kind. 

Wendy looked up at me and looked shocked when she spotted the open wound on my check. "Oh (Y/n) your hurt" she spoke in shock and looked a little scared. "Its fine" I replied before turning into my sky dragon form and using my healing magic to heal the wound but a scar was left behind. Wendy looked at the slight scar with a frown. "Hey its fine, its like a trophy" I told her with a smile as the announcer spoke "And Bacchus is down like a sack of drunken potatoes" Chapati yelled as everyone cheered. 

"We got points" Wendy cheered as she had a big smile on her face. "We sure did kid" I replied, rubbing her head. Wendy then went to the edge of the building and cheered. "Its amazing. Yeah Elfman" she smiled. "Now child shouldn't you get back to bed" Carla asked. "I'm fine and its all thanks to Grandeeney" Wendy replied and faced Porlyusica. "Didn't I tell you not to call me by that name" Porlyusica replied before turning to Natsu. I decided to leave because the only reason I came was because I saw a fight that I could join in. 

I headed back to the stands, taking my time as I walked over to the area. Turns out I had missed out on a match between Sabertooth's Yukino and Mermaid Heel's Kagura but I didn't mind. (I know that the fight between Yukino and Kagura was the last battle of the day but I changed it to be the second last)

I reached the stands as Mira was standing in the arena ready to fight against Jenny. I watched before noticing what kind of fight this is. After a while other guilds joined in and Master Mavis made us go down there. I blushed lightly on my checks as I stood in a (F/c) bikini. I wasn't used to doing this kind of thing. 

The announcer then shouted themes and before long I was in a wedding dress and everyone was getting paired up with people. Laxus walked over to me and held out a hand. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a light blush was splashed across his checks. "Care for a dance my lady" he asked with a slight bow. "I would love too" I replied and took his hand. 

Laxus brought me into a slow dance while I just stared into his eyes. He was looking at me when the announcer shouted. "Looks like there is some romance sparking between Laxus Dreyer, Makarov's grandson and Fairy Tail's newest member. This is quite a surprise" 

Laxus started to blush a little more since we were getting a lot of attention from the audience and the announcers. "Laxus I want great grandchildren you here" Makarov yelled as Laxus blushed even more and I let out a laugh. "What's wrong. Is my little lightning bolt feeling embarrassed" I teased as Laxus looked at me. "I'm surprised that my dragon isn't" he replied.

I smiled. "I'm fine with this kind of attention" I replied, putting a little bit of seduction behind my voice. Laxus looked at me and leant in about to kiss me when the master of Lamia Scale leapt into the arena and destroyed the mood as everyone left the arena and got back into their own clothes.

I watched the rest of the battle as Mira wiped the floor with Jenny and we headed towards the bar that we were in the night before. 


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