Christmas Special

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Before you guys read this I want you to know that I have wrote a one-shot on a book that I will be doing with Wolven_102938 so you should go check it out. It's in my one-shot book

Also Merry Christmas

Laxus' pov

I walked into the guild hall as the music blasted through out the large room. Gramps had invited a bunch of other guilds so the guild was more crowded then normal. I looked around, trying to find (Y/n) when I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I turned around and spotted (Y/n) who was wearing a short red dress with white trim on the bottom. "Hey Laxus" she smiled, hands behind her back. "You're in the festive spirit I see" I laughed as she looked at me. 

"Well its a party so I had to wear something nice" she replied, a lock of hair falling into her face as she put it behind her ear. That's when Rainbow flew over and smiled. "Rainbow loves this party. Rainbow got to know Frosch and his best friend Lector" Rainbow purred as she flew around shoulder height.

"So do you admit that you like Frosch" (Y/n) teased, looking at her Exceed partner. "Rainbow admits nothing" Rainbow replied, crossing her arms before flying away. (Y/n) then turned to me and smirked, pulling me onto the dance floor as she danced to the music, nudging me to dane every so often. 

I sighed before giving in and dancing alongside her as the music blasted loudly. Every so often Gajeel would try to get onto the stage to sing but everyone in our guild would yell and stop him from doing so because he isn't a good singer. Even that Orga tried to do that but thankfully his guild stopped him from doing that.

After a while, I was getting quite hot so I walked outside, putting my coat on over the suit I was wearing to keep me warm. I stood in the snow, my breath visible due to the cold. Even with my jacket, I found it rather cold as I tried to get used to the cold. 

"Here" I heard a familiar voice as someone wrapped a yellow scarf around my neck. I looked up to see (Y/n) standing there, I couldn't make out the much from the dark but I knew she wasn't wearing a lot. "Aren't you going to get cold" I asked, looking at her.

She shook her head. "Nope, ice and snow dragon form. Basically I can stand the cold in this form" she replied, placing a lantern on a nearby table and lighting it with a match. "I'm guessing you got a little warm in there two" I asked. 

"Nah, Metal brain and lightning boy started singing so I had to get out of there before my ears exploded" she replied as I let out a chuckle. Then I started to catch a new smell and looked up to see Rainbow hovering over us with a pawful of mistletoe. 

"RAINBOW!!!" (Y/N) yelled angrily, looking up at the rainbow coloured cat who was laughing. "Rainbow thinks that Laxus and (Y/n) need to kiss" Rainbow snickered as (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

She then leaned in and pulled me into a kiss as I kissed back. We parted after a couple of minutes before she looked behind her and grabbed a box that was wrapped in some wrapping paper. "What's that" I asked, looking down at the large box.

She handed it to me and smiled. "Open it" she told me. I looked down at the box and unwrapped it, before taking the lid off to see a coat like the one I was wearing but I saw something stitched into the back. I scanned over it with my eyes.

To Laxus

Merry Christmas

Love, yours truly (Y/n)

"Did you make this" I asked, seeing that the fabric was different to my jacket. "Used my magic to help. I'm not good at sewing so I had to ask Mira for help" she replied. 

I smiled and pulled out a smaller box that was also wrapped up in wrapping paper and handed it to her. She opened the box and pulled out a necklace with a celestial dragon and a lightning dragon on it. 

She looked at it for a couple of minutes before looking up. "Did you make this" she asked although she seemed to know the answer. "I had to ask Gajeel and Natsu for help but don't tell anyone" I told her, not wanting people to know that I had asked those two for help.

She nodded before Rainbow flew down, her ears pressed against her head. "Rainbow feels left out" she spoke sadly. (Y/n) smiled and rubbed the Exceed's head. "Don't worry Rainbow, I didn't leave you out" she smiled, handing Rainbow a box"

Rainbow took the box and unwrapped it, curiosity painting her face as she removed the lid of the box. She then took out a metal spear with something carved into it. The spear was Exceed size as Rainbow hugged it happily.

"It can change into other weapons like your current one but this one can also mix with your magic" she explained as Rainbow smiled, purring in delight. "Rainbow says thank you" Rainbow cheered, hugging (Y/n) as she stroked the small Exceed.

We stood out in the snow for a while before heading back to my house and had some fun in the trees. We had snowball fights and (Y/n) and Rainbow made 2 snow dragons with a snow cat. 

After all that, we lay in the snow, wearing or in Rainbow's case holding our new items. We looked up at the sky as Rainbow used her magic to send some fire into the sky while I sent some lightning as they mixed and (Y/n) froze them, the magic making a star.

(Y/n) caught it when it fell and Rainbow used her magic to prevent it from melting as we took it inside and had Rainbow put it on the tree that sat in our house. I smiled, looking at the tree with one arm around (Y/n) as I thought 'This is the best Christmas ever'

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