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|Jihee P.O.V.|

"Why'd you take me out here anyway?" I asked my older brother, Jisung. He had taken me out to the downtown area, but never told me why.

"Didn't you hear eomma and appa fighting?" He asked.

"Yeah, so? It's not like I haven't seen it happen before." I replied.

"Well maybe I know you well enough, and I know for a fact that you would have gone downstairs and tried to stop it. I just don't want you to get hurt." Jisung answered.

"I'll be fine. It's not like I'm weak or something." I said.

"You pabo... The one time I'm actually home, and you're about to get involved in our parent's fights..." Jisung replied.

"Well maybe I'd stop trying to get involved if I wasn't trying to protect Jiyeon." I stated.

"Why do you try and protect her anyway? She just hides in her room." Jisung replied. Jisung was always very overprotective over me, but never cared for Jiyeon. They used to always fight so much when we were younger, and now they stopped interacting completely.

"Oppa, she goes to her room because she's scared that she or someone else will get hurt. I'm starting to think she's afraid of appa too." I said.

Jisung stopped and turned to look at me. "Jihee, remember what happened a few months ago?" He asked. I slowly nodded. A few months ago, my parents got into a fight. It was one of the more intense ones, so appa started to get physical. I jumped in the way to stop him from hitting eomma, but I was knocked to the ground and broke my wrist. I've gotten hit before if I tried to break up the fight, but luckily that was the biggest injury so far. I know that could have been worse, but it didn't mean that I didn't learn any sort of lesson from it.

"Do you want that to happen again?" Jisung asked.

"No oppa..." I sheepishly replied.

"Well then you should probably stay out of it. Now you wait here, and I'll go get us some ice cream." Jisung said before walking in the other direction. Great, now's my chance! I thought happily.

As soon as Jisung was out of sight, I speed-walked down the sidewalk. There was an alley nearby this area, and if I traveled through it, I could get to the park quickly. I usually didn't go this way to get to the park, especially since it was a bit creepy, but it's the quickest way to get there from here. Also, Jisung would have no idea where I went, so he wouldn't know to look for me there. Once I approached the alley, I quickly entered it, hoping that Jisung wouldn't notice my absence for a while.

While I got deeper and deeper into the alley, it started to get darker and quieter. My palms started to sweat, and I started to become more aware of every single sound I heard. I usually didn't take this passage because it could get creepy the later that it was in the day. It was the evening and the sky had started to darken, so it didn't seem like the safest place to be in right now.

I started to get the feeling that I wasn't alone, and I started shaking. I sped up my pace, hoping that if there was someone there, they would go away as soon as possible. Suddenly, two hands pushed me up against the brick wall and I gasped. I looked up to see a man's face staring straight at me.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here?" The man asked, slurring his words. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"L-let me go!" I cried, struggling to break free of his grasp.

"No... not yet, at least..." He whispered, his hand sliding down my waist and stopping at the top of my shorts. I wanted to push him away, and I was trying to, but I wasn't strong enough to push him off of me. His hand tried to undo the button, but with my open hand I quickly smacked his fingers away. I wanted to scream, but my lungs wouldn't do what I asked. The drunk man had a tight hold on my other wrist, and I could tell that there was going to be a bruise there tomorrow. He leaned in close, and his lips barely touched my neck before I slightly pushed him off. Although he was pushed away a bit, that wasn't nearly enough to get him off of me completely. Oppa, where are you when I actually need you?

Out of nowhere, the man was pulled off of me. Jisung, was that you? I slid onto the ground and looked up to see a person in a black hoodie grab the drunk man by the hem of his shirt. Definitely not my oppa. I could tell it was a man by his taller and broader figure.

"What do you think you're doing?" The stranger that had helped me yelled.

"I-I..." The drunk man started. The stranger started to punch him repeatedly, until he decided to let go. The drunk man stumbled back and ran off, leaving me and the mysterious stranger that had helped me.

I let out a deep sigh, not even realizing that I had been holding my breath. My wrist ached from being held so tightly.

"W-who are you?" I asked. The man pulled down his hood, and I realized that it was a boy around my age.

"Don't thank me." He said before running off. I just sat next to the alley wall for a few minutes before getting up. I continued walking to the park, as I was almost at the end of the alley. I was still shaking from the unpleasant experience, and I knew that I wouldn't ever forget that. Now I know another reason why Jisung is trying to keep me safe... I thought.

|Stranger's P.O.V.|

I rushed to the end of the alley, and stopped to catch my breath. Who was that girl? She seemed to be around my age, so why was she just wandering in that alley? And why did I help her? I mean, I've never done that before. What made her special? I shook my head, pulled up my hood, and started walking back to my house. I just moved to this town a few days ago, so tomorrow would be my first day of school. I didn't want to get home too late and not make it to school on time.

And I couldn't dwell on what just happened too much, I mean it couldn't be that important, right? Yeah, I just helped a girl get out of a serious situation, but it doesn't mean that I was some sort of hero now or something. I was still just the same old me... I think. 

Hey guys, it's my first story on wattpad!!! 😊😊 I've been working on this story for a while now, and I just decided to publish it! Updates will be daily, and thanks for reading!!

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