Chapter 8

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

I sat down at my lunch table with Sora. She seemed excited about something, but I had no idea why.

"Jihee, guess what?" Sora asked me excitedly.

"What?" I asked.

"J-Hope asked for my number!" Sora squealed excitedly.

My mouth dropped wide open. "Jinjja?" Sora nodded happily, and we both started to get really excited. At that moment, BTS walked into the cafeteria. Almost every single girl was turned in their direction, and a lot of them were awestruck. What, like they didn't just walk into the cafeteria like normal people everyday? 

"Although you've got a lot of competition, you're doing better than the rest of them!" I said. Sora grinned, and then I remembered something that I had wanted to tell her.

"Yah, Sora, can I tell you something?" I asked. "It's a secret."

"Of course, why not?" She replied. I leaned in close so that I could whisper to her, just so that no one else could hear.

"I think... I might be getting a really tiny crush on Taehyung." I whispered.

"JINJJA?" Sora screamed. The entire cafeteria turned in our direction, including Bangtan.

"Sora... you literally just killed my eardrums, and now everyone's staring at us." I said. Sora looked around, and apologized. We both started laughing as everyone went back to their own conversations.

• • •

I sat down in my seat after lunch, and waited for the teacher to enter. I had the project with me, and we were going to have to present it to the class. We would probably get the grades back a few days from now. The teacher walked into class, and everyone sat up and paid attention.

"Okay, so does anyone want to present their projects first?" Mr. Jung said.

No one raised their hands.

"I guess I'll pick the groups then." Mr. Jung said. "Let's start with... Taehyung and Jihee." Taehyung looked at me, and we stood up to walk to the front of the class. I unrolled the poster and held it up with Taehyung. We each had a paper that had what we were planning on saying.

"Okay, so for our project..." Taehyung started. As he talked, I started observing his face. It totally wasn't like I had a project to be presenting right now... but honestly, he was so hot, I couldn't resist myself.

Taehyung suddenly stopped talking, and it took me a few seconds to realize that it was my turn to read.

"Um..." I started, finding where we were on the paper. I stuttered a bit, which was something I didn't usually do then I presented. Why was I nervous? What were you doing to me, Kim Taehyung?

• • •

|J-Hope's P.O.V.|

I was with Bangtan after school, and Jungkook kept calling Jimin short. It was funny watching them argue. Bzz Bzz. I checked my phone, and saw that it was Sora.

I've got news about Jihee!!

What happened?

She said that she might be starting to have a slight crush on V!!


Jinjja! But it's only a small crush, and she's not sure yet.

I couldn't believe it. I had to tell the others, but V was with us, so I couldn't do it now. I could text them, but wouldn't it be weird if all of their phones went off? And wouldn't V notice that I'm texting them? But I had to tell them somehow...

• • •

|Jihee's P.O.V.|

It's been a few days since we presented the projects, and things have been a bit awkward between Taehyung and I. We didn't know what to say to each other, so if we saw each other in the hallway, we just awkwardly smiled at each other. In class, we were completely silent to each other except for the exception of saying "hi" in the morning when we first walked in.

"Okay class, I've finished grading all of your projects. I'll be handing back the grades today. I'm going to call up one pair at a time." Mr. Jung said. Already? We only presented a few days ago, that was quick. Mr. Jung started calling up random groups, and I waited patiently for Taehyung and I to be called up. I hoped we did well. 

Finally, our names were called. I hastily rushed up to the front of the class and took our grades. I looked down at the page intently, and my eyes widened when I saw the grade. A perfect 100.

"We got a 100!" I exclaimed with excitement. 

Taehyung looked up with his adorable box smile. "Yes!" He said back. We both leaned in for a hug, but stopped short and our arms just hung in the air awkwardly. The two of us pulled back, and I awkwardly laughed as I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear. After just awkwardly standing in the same spot for a few seconds, we both just walked back to our seats. Of course when something awesome happens, I just have to mess it up somehow...

Aish, pabo! Why do you have to be so awkward in front of Taehyung? I thought. I barely even liked him for a few days, and I was already flustered when we made the slightest interactions. Ugh, why do you have to be so awkward, Jihee? I looked around the room and saw a few people looking at Taehyung and I. I guess that the awkward encounter didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the students. Of course Taehyung just happened to be popular.

|Jungkook's P.O.V.|

"Kim Taehyung and Lee Jihee." I heard from down the hallway. I was on my way to the bathroom, and I guessed that I was about to pass by their class. As I walked by, I glanced into the room and saw the two very excited about something. They leaned in for a hug, and I felt a bit of jealousy boiling up inside of me. Before they could make contact, they quickly parted, and the moment turned awkward. The majority of the class was staring at the two of them, and I felt a bit better. I wasn't sure why, but every time that someone mentioned V and Jihee together, I started to get mad and a bit jealous. I had no idea why, but it was the truth.

I continued walking down the hallway, and I clenched my fist. Aigoo, why was I getting so jealous over them? Was it because I've never had a girlfriend before? Maybe, because V just moved here, and now is almost hugging a girl in the middle of the class, as if they had some sort of history together.

Or was it?

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