Chapter 24

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|Jihee's P.O.V.|

I stepped into the classroom, a bit later than usual. Taehyung was already in his seat, and there was a ton of girls surrounding his seat. They were trying to flirt with him, and he was paying attention to what they were saying, but I could tell that he wasn't impressed. As I started to walk over to my seat, he glanced back and forth from me back to the girls that were talking to him.

"V oppa, why can't we sit with you at lunch instead of those other girls?" One of the fangirls asked.

"Uh... I'm right here." I said as I sat down, pointing to my face. The girl scoffed, and they all went back to their seats. 

"Annyeong..." Taehyung said, giving me a slight glance.

"Annyeong." I replied with a smile. Well, this was awkward...

|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

"Oppa, you're so cool!" One of the girls in front of me said. They were pretty much all I could hear.

"Jinjja?" I asked, smiling. They always tried to talk to me, every single day before the teacher walked in. I enjoyed the attention, but sometimes it was a bit annoying.

"Sunbae-" One of the other girls started, before Jihee caught my eye. She walked across the classroom, and I kept looking back and forth from her to the girls that were in front of me. I didn't want to ignore them, but Jihee was right there! Now I felt the duty to be the only one for her, and that made me want to be with her and to talk to her even more. Her personality, her laugh, her smile... it all made my heart warm inside, and I wanted her even more each time she looked at me.

"V oppa, why can't we sit with you at lunch instead of those other girls?" A third girl said. What kind of question was that? I would prefer to sit with my friends, even if I didn't mind the attention from them.

"Uh... I'm right here." Jihee said to the girls. The girl that had complained about her and Sora scoffed, and they walked back to their seats. I looked away from Jihee, a bit embarrassed.

"Annyeong..." I said shyly, taking a glance at Jihee. Aish... why was I so awkward?

"Annyeong." Jihee replied back, giving me a smile. How was I supposed to do this is I couldn't even start up a conversation with her?

• • •

|Jihee's P.O.V.|

"JIHEEEE!" A voice yelled across the cafeteria. Crap, the entire lunchroom looked towards me, and I spotted Tae waving like a maniac at me. My eyes widened. What was he doing? I shrugged, and walked over to sit between him and Sora as the rest of the lunchroom went back to their normal conversations.

Everyone at the table did some form of winking or nudging each other as soon as I sat down.

"What the heck is going on?" I whispered to Sora.

"They're shipping you guys." Sora whispered back.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?" I yelled. The entire lunchroom turned again, and I slowly looked to the ground to hide my face quickly turning red. A teacher walked over to our table, and scolded us for yelling so much. We all apologized, and went back to eating our lunch.

"Yah! We all got scolded when it was only Vhee yelling..." Suga mumbled with a annoyed look on his face.

"What were we just called?" Taehyung and I both said at the same time. I turned away, my face turning as red as a cherry.

"See? Vhee!" J-Hope said.

"What's our ship name?" Sora asked J-Hope, who was sitting across from her.

"Ooh... haven't thought of that one yet!" J-Hope said. "How about... Soseok?"

Everyone nodded in approval, and continued with our lunch.

A few minutes later, I was in the middle of laughing at a funny story Jimin told when I felt a harsh tap on my shoulder. I turned around in confusion to see Jisung behind me.

"Oppa? What do you want?" I asked.

"I need to speak with you in the hallway, now." Jisung said sternly. 

I was taken aback by that statement. "Why?"

"Because there's something I really need to discuss with you right this second!" Jisung explained, pulled me out of my seat.

"Wait-" I glanced back at Bangtan and Sora as Jisung pulled me away, and they gave me apologetic looks. Like there was anything they could have done about it... 

As I was dragged into the hallway by Jisung, a few other students looked at us. I was surprised none of the teachers in the hall had yelled at us as we walked by them.

"Oppa, where are we going?" I asked, still confused about what the heck he was trying to do. Why was he even at lunch anyway? He usually went to the courtyard or some other place around the school to eat with his friends since it was quieter.

He ignored me, and we ended up in a random hallway with no teachers or students. I guess that this was a super private conversation then.

"Why are you sitting with them?" Jisung asked, folding his arms. Are you freaking kidding me? He always hated everything that had to do with BTS, and I didn't understand why. They aren't bad people, and they've done nothing wrong! What was his problem?

"Sitting with BTS? They're my friends, that's why! I don't see what the problem is for you! I mean, they're just people like you and me! Why do you hate them so much?" I asked in anger. Just because he was older than us didn't mean that he had the authority to tell me who I could hang out with!

"I-" Jisung started, before I cut him off. I was going on an entire rant over here.

"And NO ONE talks bad about my friends! If you have a problem with them, then you say it to their face, instead of complaining about it to me!" I added.

Jisung stood up straighter, about to start ranting his side of the argument. "I need you to see the truth, and if you won't listen-" he started before being interrupted again.

"What are you trying to say?" We both turned around, recognizing the voice. As expected, Taehyung was standing behind us. 

"Funny... I can't seem to talk today without someone interrupting me..." Jisung said, clenching his fists.

Crap... please don't tell me he heard everything... I didn't want things to get worse between them...

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