Chapter 14

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|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

It was silent at BTS's lunch table as Jungkook walked over. He went to go sit down, but of course, the only open seat was next to me.

"I'm not sitting next to him." Jungkook said.

"Ugh, come on! You guys are ridiculous!" Jin said.

"I don't mind. If you've got a problem with me, then don't sit next to me." I said. Actually, it hurt when he said that. Jungkook doesn't have any history with me, so if he and I get into a fight, he'll have no problem getting rid of me as a friend. I don't want to lose a whole group of friends right now, especially because I wouldn't have anyone else to talk to except Jihee, who was the reason that this all started.

"No, either you sit next to Tae, or you don't sit here at all. We aren't moving just because you and him are having some sort of feud!" RM said.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT I HAVE FEELINGS TOO!" Jungkook yelled in my face before walking out of the lunchroom.

"Okay, is it just me or is that the maddest I've ever seen him?" J-Hope said. Everyone nodded in agreement. I looked around the cafeteria, and literally everyone was staring at us. There wasn't a head that wasn't turned in our direction. We all looked back to each other, confused.

Why was he being so dramatic? This wasn't making any sense to me. I mean, he just said that he has feelings too, but I mean that was just ridiculous. Although they've gone to school together for longer than I have, neither of us have been friends with Jihee for very long. I doubt that his feelings are THAT strong, unless he's liked her for awhile (Which I also doubt).

I don't want to lose our friendship, but I also didn't want to give up my first chance at a new school with a girl... why did this have to be so difficult?

• • •

|Jungkook's P.O.V.|

I walked down the hallway, on my way to the courtyard for lunch. No one would be in there during lunch time, and none of the teachers would end up noticing, so why not?

"Jungkook, where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see Mrs. Han glaring at me. A chill went up my spine, and I gulped.

"Uh... the bathroom?" I lied.

"Don't ignore what you just did. There's no screaming in the lunchroom, see me after school for detention." Mrs. Han said before walking off. 

• • •

I entered the Mrs. Han's classroom after school, and she seemed to be packing up her stuff for the day.

"Oh, give me your phone and then come with me." She said kindly, grabbing my wrist. Why did she grab my wrist, and acting so nice? And where were we going?

"I thought I was having detention." I said, handing over my phone.

"Oh, you are. I just thought that since they were repainting the library, it would be a good idea if you helped them out for detention." Mrs. Han said. 

"Oh..." I mumbled. Ok, I guess that makes sense... but it seems a bit fishy.

After that, Mrs. Han had me follow her, and we walked quickly down the hallway on our way to the library. Suddenly, we stopped in front of the door, and Mrs. Han took a key out of her pocket.

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