Chapter 39

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|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

"I forgive you guys, and I want you to forgive me."

Wait. After that entire explanation of him being angry and probably ready to start a fist fight, he was going to forgive us? I could see the shock in the other member's faces.

"You're serious?" J-Hope said, a smiling creeping onto his face.

Jisung nodded, and everyone immediately looked more relaxed. Jimin ran over to Jisung to give him a big hug, and J-Hope joined in.

I could tell from Jisung's expression that he was a bit surprised by the hug, and he awkwardly hugged them back.

"Okay, you guys can let go now..." He said awkwardly. "I know it was a stupid idea... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that... None of the popularity was any of your faults, and I blamed you for all of it."

"It's okay, we forgive you." Jungkook replied. "You didn't realize that it wasn't right."

Then I realized that there was still one more step that I had forgotten. I had to ask about Jihee.

"Jisung hyung... there's something else we need to talk about." I said, and the rest of Bangtan seemed to get the idea. "Jihee. If we're starting over, I want this deal-thing that we made to end."

Jisung's eyes widened. "Um..."

"But we're all starting over, so that means that you'll agree, right?" I asked with high hopes.

"Yeah, I feel bad since you broke up because of me. It was a stupid deal, and I was just angry at that moment... But I think you need to explain everything to her first before you get back together." Jisung explained.

"Oh... that makes sense..." I mumbled. I couldn't get back together with her unless I explained everything, it wouldn't be right to be keeping things from her. And I doubt that she'll even agree to be my girlfriend again unless I at least explained why I broke up with her like that.

"But you might want to wait to tell her... she's still probably upset because of recent events, and you literally just broke up with her not too long ago, she might need time to heal a little first." Jisung added.

I nodded, a frown forming on my face. I wanted her back so badly, but I had to understand what she was going through and her own feelings before I did anything. Maybe I can slowly work my way back into her life, and start by trying to just talk to her. Then when we're both ready, I can explain everything and ask her to be mine again.

"Jisung hyung... V needs to do this now." Jungkook said. We all turned to him.

"Why?" Jin asked.

"I was in love with Jihee as well. V and I fought over her, but when V won, I told him in private to take care of her, and not to break her heart. Now, he's done exactly that. I don't want her to be hurting anymore inside, because just as much as it hurts V, it hurts me to see her upset as well." Jungkook explained. "She was so happy with Taehyung, and if that's all it takes to get her to be that happy girl we all know again, then that's what we need to do."

"Jungkook, I'm not just saying this, I think it's for the best to wait." Jisung explained.

"Yeah, I agree. And it's my relationship, I should be the one to make that decision." I added.


"Jungkook. I understand, but it's not something that you can control." RM said, cutting him off.

Jungkook sighed, before nodding. I understood how he felt, and I was scared that I would do this too soon, but I knew it was for the best. And besides, now I had more time to perfect what I wanted to say to her if I felt the need to. I wanted to do this right the first time, and not make any more mistakes. They say that mistakes happen to everyone, but for me it's been one too many that could have been avoided.

"Wait, I have another question!" I said, suddenly remembering something.

Jisung's head perked up.

"Do you..." I started. I was a bit scared to hear the answer.

"Do you completely blame Jihee for your eomma's death?" I blurted out.

The rest of Bangtan gasped. Jisung looked a bit taken aback by what I had just said.

"No... I just got really angry in the moment. I still care about her, but I felt like I couldn't talk to her or apologize now that she heard what I said..." Jisung explained.

I let out a deep sigh, not realizing I was even holding my breath. 

Suddenly, J-Hope ran over to Jisung and soon enough we had started a huge group hug around him.

"Guys- I can't breathe-" He barely managed to say before we all let go.

"Mianhaeyo..." J-Hope said, chuckling a bit.

We all discussed a few more quick things, and then went our own separate ways. Well, except for Jungkook and I. We both decided to go Ice Cold, and then we would talk a little more about our situation with Jihee.

• • •

Once we arrived and had gotten our ice cream, we sat down in a booth.

"So... I know I was really serious about not breaking our promise." Jungkook started. "But I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was really angry at times. It's ridiculous to fight with a friend over a girl, and even though I was in love too, it wasn't my relationship and I shouldn't interfere."

"You don't have to apologize, I get it. I probably would have been the same way." I said.

Jungkook grinned.

"Although, I don't think I would go as far as leaving BTS. That was... just insane and over-dramatic." I added.

We both laughed. "Yeah... I don't know why I was being that dramatic, that was really weird for me... But you guys are all like brothers to me, even you, regardless of not knowing each other for very long. And even if I ever leave again, I'll always come back to you guys." Jungkook said, a wide grin still on his face.

"Don't worry, I know you will." I agreed.

"But I'm sorry for letting things get that far out of hand to the point where you left. I could have stopped it somehow-"

"No, it's ok. If you did something to stop it, you wouldn't have Jihee now. Or, did have her at some point, not to be doubtful about it." Jungkook said.

My heart sank. I was having such a good time reconnecting with Jungkook that I had pretty much forgotten about that.

"But don't worry, Tae. You'll get her back." Jungkook added.

"I know... but I'm just scared of the slight chance that I won't."

• • •

After Ice Cold, I arrived at home. My parents were waiting for me, but I just went up to my room. I needed to process everything, and then think about what I was going to do next. If I was going to talk to Jihee, I needed to take her feelings into consideration, so that meant I would have to think long and hard about my next move. Like when do I talk to her? Do I just go straight to the point, or do I take it slow?

This was my first relationship, and I was pretty clueless. I sure hope this goes right, or else I might be a bit reluctant to get into any other relationships for a while. Or at least until the initial shock is over.

But I was excited now that we had talked with Jisung and actually become sort of friends with him. I mean, we're just gonna forget everything that happened between the rest of Bangtan and him, but why shouldn't we be friends? And now, I could actually get on with my life, and the rest of this plan-thing. 

Things were finally starting to go right for me... I sure hope that they don't take a turn for the worse...

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